Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pick up the soap Now don't try to to bluff Work up a lather An' when ya got enough Get your hands full of water Ya snort an ya snuff An' go blud-dle-ud-dle-ud-dle Ud-dle-um-dum

A few month ago I started to notice I was getting this awful rash on my hand. It was it itchy, ugly, and painful but I could live. We then ran out of hand soap and so we used some dove bar soap until I could get to the store. Almost instantly my rash went away. But but but the other stuff smelled so I bought it again and yeah you guess it.

As it got closer and closer to my birthday I knew that I still needed to change one cleaning item over to a greener option. I was on pinterest and found a recipe to change a bar of soap into liquid hand soap. I hate bar soap, it grosses me out so this was a great option for me. To put this play into action I needed two things: glycerin, and a natural bar of soap. Remy and I went shopping and we were able to find the glycerin (actually kind of a pain but we found it at Wal Mart in the pharmacy section for like $3) and then I needed my soap. Remy then asked if I could please just use the dove we already had at home. I figured oh what the hay but I think what I really said was "I hear what you are saying and I value you as an equal member of this marriage so I will use your suggestion." We are goofs like that.

Yesterday was THE day that I tried this out. It didn't turn out as well as I wanted it to but I realized when reading through all the comments that dove caused a lot people a lot of problems, so if you were to try this with any other soap in the universe you would be fine.

You will need:

1 cup grated soap
1 Tbsp Glycerin
10 cups water
1 pot to combine everything
1 large container to put it all in (I used an old 4 liter vinager container)

While your grating your soap  put your 10 cups of water in a large pot and put on mid-low. Once you've grated your soap put it in the pot with your 1 Tbsp of glycerin.

Keep it on the heat and stir until the soap flakes disappear. Now if you're lucky you should have your liquid hand soap! IF you aren't so lucky here are some suggestions:
1. Wait. Sometimes it just needs some time. I let mine sit for a few hours and I saw no change so...
2. Bring it to a boil and then let it sit overnight.
3. If you still aren't getting what you want try adding this salt solution: 1 cup of HOT water and 3 tbsps salt. Slowly whisk in and let sit overnight.

I tried all three and left on the counter overnight. It was much better this morning. I wasn't as happy with it as I wanted to be but it will certainly work and I will try this again. Let me know if you try this and it works for you!

1 comment:

  1. That is amazing! I will have to try that, thanks for sharing!
