Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Money, Money, Money

I thought it might be fun to do a series on here. It's called:

We Were So Poor Wednesdays

When Remy and I first got married Remy was working and going to school and I was working with plans of going back to school. We had a plan and we were going along our merry way when the unthinkable (at least to us) happened.  At a month into our marriage Remy lost his very secure job along with three other employees (they shut down the department he worked in). Remy came home, sat me on the couch and told me the news. I cried and cried and cried, it felt like my world had just turned upside down. We had just gotten married and were getting into a rhythm of married life. I had no idea what we were going to do, my job was part-time and minimum wage. We had to make some changes and life certainly would be different. Luckily for us Remy and I were both savers so we had a comfortable savings (we actually lived on it for a year!) but we still had to scrim and save to make that money go as far as possible.

This series I want to laugh about the crazy things we had to go through and do to save some money.
 To you this may look like an ice cream bucket but to us this was a mixing bowl for months and months and months. We mixed dinners, desserts, name it. BUT wait it also had another purpose, a Tupperware container! So basically we spent about $4 to get: ice cream, a mixing bowl, and a Tupperware container.  Not too bad of a deal if I do say so myself.

1 comment:

  1. i so love reading your blog. you two truly are inspiring. love you
