Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


I love to read. I love to read everything. I love to read articles, blogs, books, *nerd alert* lesson manuals, just about everything. As I have mentioned before it's something that Remy and I both love too. We love to discuss the books we have read, we suggest books for each other to read, and read together. 

Yesterday I walked into the used bookstore by my house with specif books in mind because I know if I don't do that not only could I spend hours in there but lots of money. When she didn't have the books I was looking for (she had an author signed copy she sold THE DAY BEFORE!) she asked me what kind of books I liked. I was completely stumped, I've tried and liked just about everything.

There have been some books that I've read over the years that have actually changed my life or at least my line of thinking that has changed an aspect of my life. There have been three non-fiction in particular that I wish every person would read.  I wish I could pass them out and get everyone as excited about them as I am. Even if no one changed their minds about anything I just want the information out there.

Here we go the three books that have changed my LIFE:

learn-book"After many years of counseling, Dr. Chapman noticed a pattern: everyone he had ever counseled had a “love language,” a primary way of expressing and interpreting love. He also discovered that, for whatever reason, people are usually drawn to those who speak a different love language than their own.

Of the countless ways we can show love to one another, five key categories, or five love languages, proved to be universal and comprehensive—everyone has a love language, and we all identify primarily with one of the five love languages: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch."

This book is amazing. I skimmed it as a teenager but have recently read it as an adult. Honestly this book blew me away. The information just makes sense and it has taught me to look at relationships in a whole different way, not just mine and Remy's but even with my friends.

I want to know everyone's love language now because I want to figure out how to show that person I care in a way that they will respond to. One thing that is interesting was that Dr. Chapman mentioned in each love language there are different dialects.  Remy and I found this out first hand. My love language is quality time. Once we found this out and started reading the book as a couple I could see Remy making sure to do the suggestions in the book. I really appreciated the time and effort he was putting it in but I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working. Remy and I would sit on the couch after dinner and talk for a good hour. After an unfortunate night I realized my love language is quality time but my dialect was needing to do activities together. I love to go on walks, play games, look up at the stars, go swimming, etc. After we figured that out it all clicked into place. Remy's love language is physical touch and something I've always known about him. He really appreciates holding hands, hugs, kisses, back rubs, etc.

Our marriage wasn't rocky or needing help when we read this but I am so thankful we did because it has made things even better. It also talks about love languages with children and how you can show your love for your children using their love language. Whether you are married, single, kids, no kids, plan on being married, have friends I recommend this book.

The next book I feel like every woman should read, really I just wish they would teach this in school but since they won't this book is fantastic.

Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler, MPH
 Taking Charge of Your Fertility by by Toni Weschler, MPH. I stumbled on this book when I was trying to figure out what my body was doing. This book teaches woman what our bodies are up to all month long. It takes about  hormones, changes that happen during the month, how to help achieve pregnancy, and prevent pregnancy without using artificial hormones or chemicals.  It teaches you how to use your temperature every morning to tell you when (if) you ovulate and guess what you can know exactly when your period is going to start based on that.

As I read this read I kept saying, "why wasn't I taught this!" I feel that as women we need to take more ownership in knowing what our bodies are doing and how they work. I won't go into too much detail because it's only interesting if you are interested, but if you are it's a great book. Also if you are interested I would love to talk more about it (I'm super passionate about this topic) or I do own this book and will loan it out. Again I highly recommend it if you are a woman, have daughters, or even have daughter-in-laws. 

The third book that changed my life is Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. My good friend Tanya loaned this to me and I loved it. Even if you disagree or choose something else for your birth the information is invaluable. I read this while I was pregnant and I felt so empowered reading it. I felt like my body was amazing, beautiful, and could do anything. The information that was given was well presented, researched, with many references. The book starts with birth stories from lots of different women. They were beautiful and enjoyable to read, although one of the stories was a bit much even for the hippiest hippie in me. The rest of the book is information about everything you'd want or need to know about birth. 

When my midwife found out that I read this book and agree with almost all of it she was thrilled! I felt more confident in the decisions that Remy and I were making for our birth and had research to back me up to help convince my family I hadn't jumped off the deep end. I will definitely read this book again and I am so thankful Tanya loaned it to me. I would recommend this book to any pregnant woman but definitely to anyone who has interest in a natural birth or even thinking about it. 

There you go the three non-fiction books that changed my life. I would love to hear about some books that have changed your life! Bonus if I can find it on audio. Also tell me your love language!