Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Remy's muses - At last, some productivity!

Being unproductive sucks, and there truly is such a thing as too much free time.

These are two lessons that have been drilled into the tender mush that has been serving as my brain lately. I’ve been off school and out of work for some time now. I’ve had more free time than I know what to do with … and I actually hate it.

“Well then quit your whiny belly-aching and be productive!”

Yes, that’s a great idea! Why on earth didn’t I think of that? The truth is an old cliché. The less you do, the less you feel like doing. I’m a writer (kind of)I’ve had all this time to write, to work on my web site, to expand my knowledge of all sorts of fun things. And yet I’m having an increasingly difficult time doing any of that.

Last night before I went to bed, I told myself: “Self? Tomorrow you’re going to spend as long as it takes being productive. You’re going to have a “real” breakfast, you’re going to sit down and you’re going to slog through all the interview transcription highlighting you could have done ages ago!”

I’m pleased to say that I did! And as boring as highlighting points of interest over twenty pages of rambling interviews is, it felt bloody wonderful! I pray it can continue. I’d love to be able to put in some serious time on my fiction writing. Whatever happens, I DO NOT want to remain a sloth. Have you ever seen one of those buggers? They’re all sorts of nasty.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fat Bottom Girls

Sorry I haven't written in awhile. To be honest I went back and forth on writing about this particular topic. Once I decided that I would write it I wasn't sure whether to make it public or private. I struggled with whether people would make fun of me, pity me, laugh at me, or give me advice. After weighing the pros and cons I chose to write it and make it public for those struggling with the issue themselves. I want to share a part of my struggle with my weight. I know that I am not alone and many people have struggled and have far more inspirational stories than mine, but this is mine. It is going to be long, wordy, and I probably won't say half the stuff I wanted to say, but it's also going to be real.

My issue with weight has been a life-long struggle. I often wonder how much of it shaped me into the person I am. I think a lot of it did actually. I knew what it was like to be teased so I befriended those who were. I worked hard to be extra nice and caring so that people wouldn't want to tease me. I was embarrassed of my body and was a modest dresser.

Elementary: I loved to play outside. I was always outside roller blading, riding bikes, running around with the neighbour kids. We built forts, played games, went on adventures. I took dance classes. Most of my memories are of outside. Gym was a class of humiliation because even being as active as I was...I was still chubby. My gym teacher often would single me out in class making me feel terrible.

Middle school: As soon as sports were able I tried out. In 7th grade I tried out for basketball (and 8th). I had never played basketball in my life but I knew I wanted to play. Surprisingly enough I made a team. I was thrilled! I went to every practice and got to play in the games. The practices were tough and long and I loved them. Once basketball was finished I tried out for volleyball, although I didn't make it I was asked to be the team manager. I jumped at the chance. I went to every practice and was able to work out with the team. I even stopped eating lunch altogether. I was still fat.

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High School: Cheerleading! How I love(d) cheerleading! Cheerleading made me feel alive. I loved everything about it, I still do. These practices were also tough we had to run a mile a day on top other cardio, we had to weight train three times a week. I did both seasons. Again I loved it. Still fat.

Fast Forward to awhile ago: I found out I had a gluten intolerance that could be affecting my weight and the ability to lose it. There was a flood of emotion that went through me, relief at knowing why, anger, grief. That began a long road that I still am on of eliminating it from my diet. I love (d) carbs. I naively thought that once I got rid of it I might start seeing a change. Nope. Last year I decided I was going to be healthier. I started measuring my portions, counting my calories, and going to the gym. I taped a piece of paper with everything in my fridge written and what size was a portion and how many calories. After about a month I was steadily gaining weight. Remy often found me in the bathroom crying. I had no idea what to do, how could I be working this hard and be gaining weight? I gave it a break for a while, I just couldn't handle it emotionally anymore.

Now: Here I am 23 and still chubby. I have tried tips and tricks, diets, and exercise programs. I don't know if I will ever be thin or even like the way my body looks but I am going to be a good person, a good friend, a good wife, a better daughter, and a good sister. I have a husband who loves and supports me, wonderful friends, and a crazy loving family. I am going to live a healthy life and see what happens. There are still going to be times where Remy finds me in the bathroom crying because of how I look, but I hope there will be less of those as I come to accept myself.

Usually I can't wait for people to read my post, to make comments to enjoy my writing. This time is different. This time this was for me.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Remy's Rants - In defense of "Friday" by Rebecca Black

Rebecca Black’s “Friday”. We’ve all heard it, and a lot of us wish we never had. Those who haven’t are probably wondering what the crap the fuss is all about. What could possibly make this song so bad that the entire internet has descended into mindless homicidal rage like some junkie with lady issues catching his wife in bed with another man … or woman, whatever you like? Well, after listening to this song a grand total of two times, and seeing an interview with the little girl who was unfortunate enough to spawn it, all I can say is … What is wrong with you people?

Let me clarify. I don’t like the song. The lyrics are sillier than Charlie Sheen’s outlook on his apparent awesomeness, and it feels like my eardrums are being molested by a hand rubbing a squeaky balloon every time she says the word “Friday”. But then, that’s how I feel about most of the repetitive “music” put out by pretty much every rapper and aspiring one hit wonder out there. Yes, when I first heard the song I felt like everyone else for a time. I desperately wanted my four minutes back. But then I stopped to think a moment, and I came to the sad realization that it’s likely just another case of people being lemmings. It’s “in” to hate this song. If a few influential people said it was awesome, I guarantee a decent majority of the haters would be converted over night.

Off the top of my head, I can think of tons of songs that are FAR worse than this. In fact, here’s a Youtube link of someone’s top ten worst songs of 2010 for your critiquing convenience.


About eighty-five percent of these songs are far worse than anything Miss Black will probably ever come up with. Okay, I’ll let Justin Beber off because he’s already had the world at his throat, but the rest? That crap is what passes for catchy and inspiring music? To who? Drunk “wankstas”? And don’t even get me started on the plague of debauched sound that was the Crazy Frog. This … THIS made it to number 1 in Europe in 2004.

After stealing the awesome tune from Harold Faltermeyer, this song was easily the mid two thousand equivalent to a one hit wonder who went viral. What were they thinking? This thing got world-wide recognition, and its creators probably made way more money than I’ll ever see.

The sad truth is “Friday” is far from the worst song in the world. I can’t believe I actually feel prompted to blog about anything “poppy” but I stand by this pronouncement for the following reasons.

First, the girl’s in eighth grade. She’s in eighth grade and singing about how awesome Friday is, and how she doesn’t want the weekend to be over. Yes, the lyrics are pretty silly, and she does stretch her words into multi-sylabic filler. I also admit I’ve known from a very young age that Sunday comes after Saturday. But what eighth grade kid – heck, who among us now – doesn’t love the weekend? Would it be better if she were singing songs about how in love she is with some transient school boy who broke her impressionable heart, and how at thirteen she’ll never fall in love again? Come on! There’s already tons of those songs written by adults and kids alike, some of whom may have never known real love in their lives. Oh, but wait! Maybe she could sing about whipping her “herr” back and forth. Better yet! Why not write an entire song about how awesome it is to smoke a big pound of weed and losing her virginity at a party! Yeah! That’ll make it all better, right? Sadly, it might just do that. The fact is, she’s in eighth grade, singing about eighth grader stuff in a market dominated by hundreds of tunes about clubbing, lost love, rape, drunk sex, dry sex, slapping women, punching men, blunts, fortys, hook-ups, STDs and “hoes”. Rebecca Black, good for you for daring to wade through this sesspool of filth and scrutiny with something that breaks normality.

Second, the song, whatever people say about it is up-beat, positive, and as catchy as a cold in flu season. Cheezy lyrics aside, it’s positive in that innocent simple way which few people older than ten seem to feel. Do I like it? No. But I have it stuck in my head nonetheless, and it doesn’t make me sorry to be human like all the clubbing, partying boozy sex songs tend to do. What’s more, I wouldn’t have to worry about my own kids stumbling across it on Youtube and asking awkward questions.

Thirdly, say what you want about the lyrics. At least she bothered to include some. The song is as repetitive as any song with a chorus. It doesn’t use the same for to eight words or silly catch phrases over and over and over and over. I’m not sure if it was Miss Black or someone else who wrote it, but it’s still high above a lot of that repetitive stuff stuff which has gotten tons of recognition. Crase in point, anything Soldier Boy ever released.

Finally, for the satirists out there, this song just screams “make a parody of me!” You know they’re coming. They’re probably already here. Who knows, there might even be some good ones at some point.

So for all you people out there who can’t stand this song, you’re entitled to your opinion. But I challenge you to get more recognition. I challenge you to deal with the intense hatred of hundreds of thousands of people, a decent amount of which won’t be able to help themselves from humming your crazy song. And I challenge you all to think before calling this girl every name in the book and a few you’ve made up specially. And to the uppity wanker who may or may not have written to Miss Black “I hope you cut yourself and get an eating disorder”, shame on you, a pox on your house, your unborn children, and I DARE you to gain even a fraction of her recognition in such a short time. And if you have, your comment’s all the more ridiculous.

To end:

listen and weep, curse or dance. But know that for whatever reason, this song will, for better or worse, be stuck in your head.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lately I have been obsessed with reading other people's blogs. It started a few weeks ago and has progressively gotten worse! I feel so inspired by the crafts, recipes, diy projects, and fashion advice. One blog I was reading mentioned that at the end of every year she sends her blog to a book publishing site and then has a journal/scrapbook of their year. When I read that I thought "THAT IS THE BEST IDEA EVER!" So I think that's what I am going to do. I thought I would add some family favourite recipes for future generations.

Chelsea's Gluten Free Lasagna


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1-2 lbs of lean hamburger

32 oz spaghetti sauce

1 package Kraft 4 cheese Italiano (Light if you are watching your figure)

1 lb cottage cheese

1 med onion

Garlic powder

2 eggs

1 box gluten free lasagna noodles

Spinach (optional)

Preheat Oven to 350. Cook hamburger, add onion and garlic powder (1tsp and/or season to taste). While hamburger is cooking start cooking your noodles.

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In a separate bowl mix cottage cheese, 3 cups of the 4 cheese Italiano, eggs, and spinach if you are using any.

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In a 13x9 pan put a very light coating of sauce so the noodles won't stick to the bottom.

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Add noodles.

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Layer the noodle, meat , and cheese mixture until you are down to three noodles. These noodles will be your top. Add sauce and cheese (from what's left of the 4 cheese Italiano).

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Bake for 40-50 minutes. I usually make this the night before and just cover and stick it in the fridge, then tomorrow I will bake it.

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It's in the BAG

"Men carry lightweight, plain black or brown wallets that are designed to hold the bare essentials: a driver's license, a few credit cards, and some paper money. Some men do with less than that taking a few plastic cards and some currency and holding them together with a rubber band or a money clip and shoving it down into their pocket. )

You can't bet on what the contents of a woman's purse is going to be, but you can be pretty certain that inside of her bag you will find whatever she is going to need that day, plus extras to cover the needs of others as well.To a woman, a purse is a trusted friend. Depending on the day and the occasion, it is a fashion accessory as well. You can tell how expanded a woman's view of the world is by the size of her bag. It's apparent that many women are prepared for most every emergency from what they place in their bag. Those items begin with a woman's version of a wallet. Usually that is greatly expanded from the male version of a wallet, with more credit cards; discount cards, coupons, cash, and other items. Beyond an oversized wallet, you'll find keys, loose change, make-up essentials, hair brush, sometimes a toothbrush, gum or breath mints, more keys, tissues, hand sanitizer, hand cream, sunglasses, and much more.

The wallet/purse dynamic illustrates that men are more singular in their purpose, women far more universal. A man prepares with a wallet to cover limited specific needs he anticipates during the day. A woman, on the other hand, is prepared for a wide variety of potential needs. Not just needs of her own, but those of others as well." John Gray Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite Sex.

So...Show my what's in your bag. Take a picture of what you keep in your purse and send them to me at When I get 5 pictures I'll post what awesome things some of us are packing around. I'll start...

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I usually have snacks, my ipod, and my cellphone in there too. What is your favorite thing you keep in your purse? What do you get the most use out of?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Singing in the Rain

So yesterday Remy had to go to a meeting for work and I had a few hours to myself...alone. What is a girl to do? I was just about head out for my walk (like had my workout clothes on and poised on the top stair) when I thought" Self You have a few precious hours don't' waste them!" So I headed over to my computer and opened itunes. With the playlist "Remy's not home!" selected I pushed play and sang my little heart out. I have a few different song on the list like:

"Blackbird" Evan Rachel Wood Version

"Need You Now" Lady Antebellum

"Take a Bow" Rihanna


Okay so no judgment, oh who am I kidding I don't care if you judge me, Baby Got Back by Sir Mix A lot. How can you listen to that song and NOT shake your booty and sing.

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Singing in the apron I made.

I had so much fun belting these songs and dancing around. Now before you think I am the worst wife ever, I did miss Remy.

With mine and Remy's temple sealing just around the corner I have been trying to get myself prepared. Now your first thought might be that you think I am getting myself ready spiritually. If only I was so righteous, but I am talking about physically but stay with me. When I first realized that our dream of going to the temple was going to become a reality (in the near future no less), I was thrilled and starting thinking of ways to prepare spiritually. I thought of what it would mean for our future family and us as a couple. A few days later it dawned on me that we were going to be taking forever pictures. Ya know, the kind you frame, scrapbook, and future generation would look at. I thought of my top three things that I would really like to do before getting these pictures. First I wanted to feel and look better so I decided to start walking(and/or other type of exercise) everyday.

The next thing is I want to be able to have an awesome hair do in the pictures so I need to grow my hair out some more. Everyday I feel like doing this

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And lastly I was to get my skin under control. I have used proactive for years and in the beginning it worked, lately it hasn't but I haven't really done anything about it. Now I am on the hunt for a new skin program. Does anyone have one that they love? I would love some suggestions my budget is around $50 for three months (what I am paying now) I have oily skin and acne prone (yay! I hit the skin jackpot.)

I hope everyone is having a fun and safe St. Patrick's Day! I am off to a Relief Society dinner.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Remy's reflections - Priesthood and other updates

The first update of the year, but I’m not here to talk about that. I’m done saying this year’s going to be different. Either I’ll make it different by action, or I won’t.

A great deal has happened over the past few months, as usually happens when you don’t write for some time. I therefore apologize for this post in advance.

First, the Farm documentary “Shining Forth Prosperity” is DONE! I’m so happy it’s over. It was a lot of fun, and I felt like I really accomplished something. Unfortunately since the farm is going through some rather strange times, I’m not sure how much the documentary will really matter in the end. Still, it was nice to finally accomplish it. I had a lot of help with the physical editing of it, but I did much of the sound editing, all the narration, the script and some of the on-screen stuff. Good for the resume.

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I recently had the opportunity to perform a baptism in Victoria, which was a unique experience. I prayed I’d do it right the first time, and I did. It pleased me to be able to perform such an ordination.

On the heels of that baptism, I was asked by President Dykes of the Nanaimo High Counsel to give a talk in this month’s stake conference. That was the last thing I expected, and provided me with a chance to truly feel humble. Everyone was certain I could accomplish it, but I was really uncertain. I’ve never been good with reading out loud, and my memorization skills aren’t much better. Despite my fears however I did a reasonable address. I called Chelsea my impatient wife though, which was a complete accident. Poor girl. Luckily everyone got a kick out of it, and knew it was an error. It was a very humbling experience, and I know I couldn’t have done it without the Lord, and the faith of family and friends. I felt like people truly enjoyed my talk, and not because I was blind. I attempted to bring a lot of energy and optimism, which I’m hoping people appreciated. I wasn’t seeking the praise I received, but I was hoping to uplift people. Having so many people comment so positively on my talk came as a pleasant and almost overwhelming surprise.

Finally, after a very long road, I’ve reached the point where I have at last obtained the Melchizedek priesthood. To know I now have the authority to bless my wife and others in their times of need, to administer to the sick, to bless the children not yet born to me … It’s an overwhelming feeling. I feel more … real, if that makes sense, as though there was a part of me which has just been born. There’s no other way I can explain it. Knowing I have the authority to exercise the same power Christ and God themselves possess, so long as I have faith and continue to strive to better myself … To anyone who has never heard of this, who thinks “it’s arrogant to even consider yourself on the same level as Jesus” … I guess they wouldn’t really understand this. It’s not so much that I have that power. I can’t will anything to be, and watch as it becomes. But I have the ability now to speak with the will of the Father and the Son in matters of great worth to those whom I speak to in a blessing. Their words are my words, and their will is imparted to their children through me. I am in essence a conduit. An odd concept to anyone who isn’t LDS I suppose, but in the right hands, the priesthood can manifest true miracles. I have witnessed a few of these first hand in my own life, and have heard accounts of many more.

Only the impending move, and my new-found unemployment weigh on my shoulders these days. During the blessing I received when being given the Melchizedek priesthood, I was told that I shall find employment. SO, I just need to keep faith that it will happen and do what I can to find it. As for the move … well … I don’t know how I feel about that. It’s a big step, and a lot of work for something I wish I had more faith in. Fresh starts are well and good, but having no prospects yet, no decent way to find a place to live … it’s not the most pleasant feeling. Perhaps in time I’ll feel better about all of this. I know it’s very important to Chelsea that we move. In truth there is little keeping me here. Even many of the friends I once had have faded from my life, or drop in and out of it in sporadic bursts of friendship and anger. So in the end, I’m left with little here, as even my family is far away already. No matter what though, I will have Chelsea by my side. And that is a blessing I will always be grateful for.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

And I would Walk 500 Miles and I would Walk 500 More...

For about a week now I have woken up every morning with the express intention to go on a lovely walk. Every morning I have woken up to rain. Well yesterday I decided rain or not I was going on a walk. After changing into my workout clothes I asked Remy if he would like to join me on a walk to the grocery store. I got a "I guess I better" response followed by some grumbles. I cut us up some apples and filled a water bottle for the walk since we were headed to the grocery store and didn't want to go hungry. Upon handing Remy his apples for the journey he quickly devoured them. AND we were off. We walked and walked and walked

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and finally made it to the store hot sweaty and sooo hungry, the very thing I was trying to avoid. Oh well, it certainly was reflected in our purchases though. I mean now that I look at the big bag of pepperoni sticks I don't think we really needed them like we thought. After the hour walk there we decided we did not want to do the hour walk home so we took a bus that was about a 20 minute ride instead. Although it wasn't the "Oh my gosh I feel so great I want to do it every second of my life" feeling I was hoping for it was nice to get out of the house and get some exercise.

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What kinds of things do you like to do to stay active?

Got Milk?

In other news we have had a first in the Chartier home.

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When I go grocery shopping I try to buy for at least two weeks, normally we end up getting a bit more out of it but the goal is two weeks. We usually have to make a small run for fresh fruit or veggies sometimes eggs but we have never once in our marriage run out of milk before the expiration date. Now our milk experience usually goes one of two ways...we are happily going along using the milk and then I will look and see that the expiration date was yesterday, alright no big deal still fine. The next days rolls around still pretty confident take a whiff as a precaution and do so until one morning one of us is the lucky person to find the milk has gone bad. OR the day of the expiration we hurriedly think of way to drink the remaining milk.

"Now Chelsea how on earth did you use all of your milk before the expiration date this time?" you might ask. Well, I will tell you! I made a chowder requiring 4 cups of milk and more milk when reheating, we are really on a milkshake kick right now, and I bought some chocolate syrup for some yummy yummy glasses of chocolate milk. So there's our secret and the reason for the above grocery run (well walk).

Alright now name your favorite way to use milk?

*I figured out how to add pictures, I am sooo pumped right now!*

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Remy - My address at Stake Conference

It was quite the experience addressing so many people last night. I was uncertain whether or not I'd manage to keep my head, but thanks to fervent prayer and the faith of those around me, I somehow managed it.
I only made two oopses.
First, I said "impatient' instead of "patient" and I said "vying for our destruction" instead of "success" Oh well .. at least the former made people laugh.
I was amazed at how well-recieved the address was. I'm not used to so much praise. In truth it was somewhat embarrassing, but I appreciated it all very much. I'm grateful there were people who found my talk uplifting. That's what I was going for. One of the members of the presidency kept teasing me about being called on to give more addresses...I sure hope he was only kidding.
To my Mom and Angie, and anyone else who asked me to post it, here is what I said (more or less)
Thanks to all of you who enjoyed it, and who read this.

Building a Better Me

Good evening brothers and sisters. I feel privileged to have been given the opportunity to speak to you this evening. My first talk, and it’s Stake Conference. The lord apparently has a lot of faith in me. There’s a humbling thought. So Of course I’m not nervous, nope, not in the least!

In 1961, David O McKay said that the purpose of the gospel is to make evil men good, and good men better. And Jesus said "be ye therefore perfect, even as your father in Heaven is perfect." That’s one tall order, isn’t it? Good, to better, to Perfect … Luckily, we imperfect humans have a few really spectacular things going for us.

First of all, God, the father, the creator of the universe has so much faith in our success that he granted us physical life on earth, knowing all the temptations we’d face. He wants us to succeed so much that he sent his own son to go through torment I for one can hardly grasp, all so we would have a chance to return to him.

Now … I don’t have children yet. I can only imagine what it might feel like to send my child away to a hostile land, even knowing all the terrible things that would – not could, but would – happen. But Heavenly Father knew, and he did it anyway. Jesus Christ knew, and he willingly submitted to all the trials the world had in store. That’s two extremely caring and powerful beings vying for our success, and that’s AWESOME.

Secondly, everyone present is already on the right track. We made the choice to come here. We’ve demonstrated our ability to choose Heavenly Father’s plan of trial and freedom over Lucifer’s restricted captivity.

Finally, there’s the atonement! Jesus Christ overcame the world, and experienced every pain, every emotion, every feeling we could feel. And he did it so he could truly understand and comfort us in our times of need. He overcame the world so he could catch us when we fall short of the glory of God. I find it rather comforting to understand that no matter how much I try, and how much I may fail, Jesus will always be there to intercede on my behalf, so long as I have faith in him and strive to do my best.

Yes, we have been asked to become perfect, and at the same time, we are told that only Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father are perfect. Are the scriptures a contradiction? Well, Jesus Christ doesn’t waste words. Everything he says has a profound meaning. So where does that leave us?

The journey of perfection is more than a life-long foray. It extends beyond mortality into the spirit world, and the eternities.

Each day we are given countless opportunities to better ourselves. For some of us, this task comes quite naturally. I’m sure there are a few of us who know that one person who is so saturated with goodness that it just oozes from their every action. But for others, the climb to perfection can seem very arduous indeed.

We fall victim to temptation, it’s true. Our own desires, and Satan work tirelessly against us. But often for many of us, Guilt, self-doubt, and despair when we feel we can never measure up are perhaps some of the most devastating emotions that hinder our betterment. I know for me, there’s no worse feeling than thinking "there’s no way I can ever measure up to this person or that person, let alone the Savior!"

Brothers and sisters, thanks for baring with me so far. I ask all of you now to please do me a favor. Think back a few years to a time when you were younger. Could be five years, or it could be fifty. I’m sure there are some of us here who feel like the older you get, the faster the years seem to go. I’m only 28, and it’s rather disturbing to realize the years are just going to keep getting shorter.

Think about how far you’ve come over the years. Are you where you thought you’d be? Are you what you thought you’d be? I’m not talking about your work, or your station in life, because those things are transient. I’m talking about your emotional and spiritual contentment.

If you’re happy where you are, if you have at least reasonable confidence that you’re on the right path, then that’s wonderful!

But what about those of us who feel overwhelmed by all of the things we’ve been asked to do?

Please don’t despair. Along with all the support and blessings from Heavenly Father, there’s a miraculous word we’ve been blessed with that can ease our burden in the darkest days of self-doubt. I’ve already mentioned it, and we’ve all heard it before. The word is strive.

Now, I’m going to go a little Bill Cosby on you for a moment. Let me tell you a story.

I started investigating the church in 2005. I began partly because I found it fascinating, but also because I was enamored by a lovely young lady who made me completely certain I loved her.

I was a lot different then (or so people have told me.) I was never a horrible person, but over the years I’ve done a lot of things I’m not proud of. For a long time after my baptism I disregarded a lot of doctrine and probably asked the wrong kind of questions for the wrong reasons. Many people were concerned when I first got the idea to marry that young lady I fell in love with, and for a long time that made me angry. I stopped coming to church for a time, and I was told my testimony was based too much on knowledge than faith. It was hard. I constantly felt like I was being judged, and I felt I’d never live up to the standards set forth by the people in the church, let alone the scriptures.

I’ll be honest, there are some days where I still feel like that man. My lack of confidence is something I’m still trying to work on. But I know that Jesus is there for me, despite all my faults. It’s a slow process, but I’m striving to improve. I’ve got a long way to go before I’ll reach my full potential. But thanks to the scriptures, to the faith of my family and friends, and the council of our wonderful bishop, I am on the verge of attaining the Melchizedek Priesthood, and finally taking my loving and patient wife to the temple.

Brothers and sisters we are all on the right path. We are all here tonight. There are times we will fall short. Sometimes we may end up taking a step back before we can take two steps forward. But the temptations of the world can be overcome, sometimes all at once, sometimes one at a time.

It doesn’t matter who gets there first. One of the greatest tools Lucifer possesses is the ability to goad us into comparing our lives to the lives of others. In the eyes of the Lord, we are all equal, and he loves us all. We have the scriptures to guide us, and a variety of wonderful ways to truly study them. And we have the words of the general authorities to grant us clarity if the scriptures overwhelm us.

But we must believe in ourselves. And if we can not do that, then we must have faith in those who believe in us. Chief among our support team is Jesus Christ himself, who loves us unconditionally and wants so badly for us to succeed. We must see the good in ourselves, and in one another. We must strive to always improve, even if our improvements are sometimes slow and small. But above all, we must have faith that, while we will inevitably fall short, Jesus will be there at the end to see us through. That is the glorious miracle of his redemption, and it is not exclusive.

Brothers and Sisters, we are all children of our Heavenly Father. We all made one of the greatest decisions of our existences by believing in Heavenly Father’s plan enough to come here and obtain a body. This plan is real. And I testify that Jesus is our hope, and our redeemer. In ourselves we can find the will, and in him, we can find the strength. In him, all things are possible – in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

All You Need Is Love

Remy and I have been married for almost three years now. I love being a wife but more specifically I love being Remy's wife. I have always wanted to be married. When I was younger I made a list of things that I wanted in a spouse and I had thoughts of how our life would be together. I had no way of knowing how wonderful it really is. Lately I have run across a few articles on marriage and it has made me think of my own and I thought I would share some of the things I love.

Things I love about our relationship:

We talk. Remy and I talk about everything and anything. Our thoughts, ideas, hopes, fears, things we are curious about, our annoyances, etc. We have such an open line of communication and I can't imagine having it any other way. I think this is one of the many reasons for our happy marriage so far. We talk about anything from our thoughts on the universe to what bathroom troubles we may be having.

We laugh. We have inside jokes and laughter in our home. We love to laugh and have fun together. We can make each other laugh with one word or a nudge. Early in our marriage I was in Michigan and Remy was here on the island. We spoke on the phone nightly, one night we got into a bit of a fight. The next day I called him and said one word and we both burst out laughing. Our fights usually end with one of us making each other laugh.

We have fun! We really enjoy doing fun things together, and not so fun things we usually make fun.

We spend time together. One of my favourite things that we do is just snuggle and tell each other about our day or even to talk about where we have just been or who we've seen, what was said. We have a date night once a week. Even when we are in our separate world of hobbies we like to just be around each other.

We have the same goals. We have the same goals and plans for our life. We want a simple home with a family and a simple life. We want to be good people and live the best we can.

Things I love about Remy:

One of the first things that comes to mind after almost 3 years of marriage is Remy's unselfishness. That is something that I truly love and appreciate about him. I can ask Remy to get me something or help me with something and he will without complaint. He will hold me, rub my tummy , fill a water bottle, get medicine, or provide sympathy when I need it. Out of all of Remy's amazing and wonderful qualities that is the one I love the most.

Remy's sense of humour, Oh boy! Remy's brand of humour is not for everyone and some people just need to get a chance to warm up, I do enjoy his sense of humour and that he loves to make people laugh.

Remy's empathy. Remy has been blessed to not get sick very often and yet he has so much empathy and compassion when someone is sick or doesn't feel well. (As well as other times I just see it so much when someone is sick)

Remy is so supportive. Remy supports me in anything I want to do or don't do.

Remy is so loving, affectionate, and attentive.

Remy is handsome. I think Remy is so handsome and he is just getting better as the years go by.

These are just to name a few, I am truly so blessed and happy. I know we have a long road ahead of joys and struggles. I am sure there will be times where we look at each other and just want to rip our hair out. I am sure we will cause each other some grey hair and some eye rolls but I can't wait to see where life take us.