Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Singing in the Rain

So yesterday Remy had to go to a meeting for work and I had a few hours to myself...alone. What is a girl to do? I was just about head out for my walk (like had my workout clothes on and poised on the top stair) when I thought" Self You have a few precious hours don't' waste them!" So I headed over to my computer and opened itunes. With the playlist "Remy's not home!" selected I pushed play and sang my little heart out. I have a few different song on the list like:

"Blackbird" Evan Rachel Wood Version

"Need You Now" Lady Antebellum

"Take a Bow" Rihanna


Okay so no judgment, oh who am I kidding I don't care if you judge me, Baby Got Back by Sir Mix A lot. How can you listen to that song and NOT shake your booty and sing.

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Singing in the apron I made.

I had so much fun belting these songs and dancing around. Now before you think I am the worst wife ever, I did miss Remy.

With mine and Remy's temple sealing just around the corner I have been trying to get myself prepared. Now your first thought might be that you think I am getting myself ready spiritually. If only I was so righteous, but I am talking about physically but stay with me. When I first realized that our dream of going to the temple was going to become a reality (in the near future no less), I was thrilled and starting thinking of ways to prepare spiritually. I thought of what it would mean for our future family and us as a couple. A few days later it dawned on me that we were going to be taking forever pictures. Ya know, the kind you frame, scrapbook, and future generation would look at. I thought of my top three things that I would really like to do before getting these pictures. First I wanted to feel and look better so I decided to start walking(and/or other type of exercise) everyday.

The next thing is I want to be able to have an awesome hair do in the pictures so I need to grow my hair out some more. Everyday I feel like doing this

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And lastly I was to get my skin under control. I have used proactive for years and in the beginning it worked, lately it hasn't but I haven't really done anything about it. Now I am on the hunt for a new skin program. Does anyone have one that they love? I would love some suggestions my budget is around $50 for three months (what I am paying now) I have oily skin and acne prone (yay! I hit the skin jackpot.)

I hope everyone is having a fun and safe St. Patrick's Day! I am off to a Relief Society dinner.


  1. Please don't cut your hair!! It's too nice!! As for face cleansers, I don't love any enough to recommend them (haha) but I do recommend witch hazel astringent. It works wonders!!

    PS: Loving that apron!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Paul and I buy all of our skin care products from Lush!
    Even if you don't find anything you like, it's worth talking to the employees, they are fun and knowledgable, and sometimes you get free samples!


    p.s. I removed my previous post because of a spelling error :)

  4. Laurie: Thank you! I will have to look into witch hazel. Re apron: Thanks so much it was so frustrating I just kind of did what I wanted :D

    Kirsten: That's a really good idea! I really like lush but forget they did stuff other than soap.
