Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

And I would Walk 500 Miles and I would Walk 500 More...

For about a week now I have woken up every morning with the express intention to go on a lovely walk. Every morning I have woken up to rain. Well yesterday I decided rain or not I was going on a walk. After changing into my workout clothes I asked Remy if he would like to join me on a walk to the grocery store. I got a "I guess I better" response followed by some grumbles. I cut us up some apples and filled a water bottle for the walk since we were headed to the grocery store and didn't want to go hungry. Upon handing Remy his apples for the journey he quickly devoured them. AND we were off. We walked and walked and walked

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and finally made it to the store hot sweaty and sooo hungry, the very thing I was trying to avoid. Oh well, it certainly was reflected in our purchases though. I mean now that I look at the big bag of pepperoni sticks I don't think we really needed them like we thought. After the hour walk there we decided we did not want to do the hour walk home so we took a bus that was about a 20 minute ride instead. Although it wasn't the "Oh my gosh I feel so great I want to do it every second of my life" feeling I was hoping for it was nice to get out of the house and get some exercise.

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What kinds of things do you like to do to stay active?

Got Milk?

In other news we have had a first in the Chartier home.

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When I go grocery shopping I try to buy for at least two weeks, normally we end up getting a bit more out of it but the goal is two weeks. We usually have to make a small run for fresh fruit or veggies sometimes eggs but we have never once in our marriage run out of milk before the expiration date. Now our milk experience usually goes one of two ways...we are happily going along using the milk and then I will look and see that the expiration date was yesterday, alright no big deal still fine. The next days rolls around still pretty confident take a whiff as a precaution and do so until one morning one of us is the lucky person to find the milk has gone bad. OR the day of the expiration we hurriedly think of way to drink the remaining milk.

"Now Chelsea how on earth did you use all of your milk before the expiration date this time?" you might ask. Well, I will tell you! I made a chowder requiring 4 cups of milk and more milk when reheating, we are really on a milkshake kick right now, and I bought some chocolate syrup for some yummy yummy glasses of chocolate milk. So there's our secret and the reason for the above grocery run (well walk).

Alright now name your favorite way to use milk?

*I figured out how to add pictures, I am sooo pumped right now!*

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