Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Singing as we fetch the detergent box for the smelly shirts and the stinky socks

My birthday is coming up in a few days (like actually a few as in three) and I am hurriedly finishing up my birthday goals. One of the things on my list was to change one of my cleaning products to a more natural one. I hemmed and hawed over which one to change for a while. I really love the stuff I use to clean my bathroom because I really feel like it's clean when I am done, same with my kitchen. I looked at a few different options for other things. I kept seeing people trying homemade laundry detergent. I wasn't sold on the idea not that I didn't think it worked I just didn't know if I wanted that one to be THE one.

I was still in the process of deciding, well actually I decided to make homemade liquid hand soap when...we ran out of laundry detergent. (I still am planning on doing the hand soap don't worry.) We were due for our big grocery shop so I decided that if superstore had what we needed we would do it.

We got to the laundry isle and found EVERYTHING we needed, which was a good thing because by the time we got to this isle I really wanted to do it. I was so excited! Actually my level of excitement wasn't really appropriate to laundry detergent, maybe a new car or even a perfect pair of jeans but not laundry detergent. I wish I was joking, it was like it was a surprise birthday party in the cleaning isle. Remy was looking at me like I was off my rocker. I feel like I might be too young to get this excited about a cleaning product.

When we got home I got started with my project while watching an extremely educational and uplifting TV show the real housewives of new york *ahem* IT WAS SO EASY! If you can grate cheese you can make your own laundry detergent NO JOKE. ANDPLUSALSO it's sooo cheap think of your cheapest cleaning product, this was cheaper. So this is what I did:

1 cup Borax
1 cup washing soda (not baking soda)
2 Sunlight bars (you can use other laundry bar soap I like sunlight a lot)
Grate 2 bars of soap (this took me about 15 minutes). Add 1cup of borax. Add 1 cup washing soda. Mix together and store in air tight container. Use 1-2 tablespoons per load.

 I ended up putting it in an old large peanut butter container that I cleaned out (my most hated chore EVER!) this makes a lot about 6-7 cups.

You only need 1 Tbsp per load. Isn't that crazy! You really need to shake it every time you use it. I can't wait to make our hand soap.

What are your favorite green cleaning products? Bonus points if they are cheap. Let me know if you make your own laundry detergent.


  1. I also loathe cleaning out the peanut butter jars for recycling! Nasty job. I really like the GreenWorks line - it's what we use - but I'm intrigued by your homemade laundry soap. I have always been a fan of the Sunlight bars. :)

  2. Isn't it just the worst! Too bad peanut butter tastes so good. I've seen GreenWorks at the store and wondered about them. I'll have to check them out. You really should try the laundry soap! If you want to just try it I can give you a cup of washing soda and borax at church. ALSO Happy (early) birthday :)

  3. I'm really really excited that you made laundry detergent. I found the same recipe you used online but I was too scared to try it. Please let me know if it works... I'm just not sure how it will do on Paul's greasy work clothes!!

    I bought a new body soap the other day (not from LUSH sadly) it's called Val's Veggie bar and it's cheap and all natural. I haven't tried it yet, but it smells good. Eventually I want about 90% of my "down the drain" products to be safe and natural.
