Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

You can't always get what you want But if you try sometimes you might find You get what you needat you need

It is your birthday. - 1,000 points to whomever gets that reference.

It's my birthday today and was exactly like every other Sunday at our house except Gary and Remy made me homemade Chinese food. Yum! It was so extremely yummy.They did such a great job!  They made a veggie stir fry, sweet and sour chicken, and rice noodles.

 Today was also Stake Conference. We got there right when it was to begin and had to sit in the very last row. One of the little girls from my class came and sat with Remy and I. We had such a nice time talking and drawing. I started to feel guilty about not paying attention to the speakers and then I came to the realization that sometimes this is just as  important. While the talks were extremely important, for right then it was more important for me to talk with this little girl, to let her feel my love for her as her primary teacher. I felt she needed to know that I was her friend and that she was important and I would take the time to talk with her. I will probably get to hear the messages again at one point in my life but the time with this little girl I probably won't get that chance again. This is such an important lesson for me to remember and learn, so although it wasn't anything the speakers said I did learn a lot today.

When she found out it was my birthday she let everyone in our row know. It was cracking me up. She would run down the row stopping at each person point to me and say "it's her birthday today!" She decorated my hands in princess stickers and drew me a picture. While she was drawing me a picture she asked if I could write down my house number. I did, and as soon as I was finished she rushed to her Mom and told her and they needed to go here *pointing at the numbers* today for my birthday party. She then rushed back and asked me to draw a picture of my house. I did and she instantly rushed back over to show her Mom what my house looked like. She told me they needed to know what my house looked like so they knew how to find it when they drove to it later. I told her I wasn't having a birthday party and she looked at me like I had two heads she then said, "When are you going to eat cake?" I told her I would probably make one for FHE on Monday and she replied, "Oh okay, we'll come over then." 

As silly as this sounds she made me feel special and it's nice to feel special on your birthday.

Also I'll let you know how I did on my birthday goals, I'll admit right now that I didn't finish them all but I'm okay with that. 

Chelsea Goals:

                     Go to the Temple  (June 14,2011)
                     Get sealed (June 18, 2011)
                     Complete Book of Mormon reading (June 7,2011) (actual May 16,2011)
                     Complete Young Women Personal Progress
                     Spend an hour on genealogy (3/6) 
                     Finish temple booklet
                     Go to the temple (1/3)
                     Get certificate for institute
                     Keep track and stick to budget (0/3) (honestly we had way too many unusual expenses lately to make this possible but now that things are getting back to normal we can actually get back to budget)  
                     Move money into safety deposit box
                     Look into disability bond
                     Research new cell phone carries and choose one
                     Learn more about running and buy correct shoes
                     Run 10 continual minutes
                     Run 15 continual minutes (I'm up to 13 min)
                     Run 20 continual minutes
                     Find better skin care regiment
                     Cancel proactiv
                     Try 10 new recipes         
                     Try 3 new foods
                     Don't eat after dinner for one week! (0/7)
                     Have one couple over for dinner or dessert once a month (7/7)
                     Read books I have before buying any new ones
                     Get my N (July 13,2011)
                     Take a community class
                     Get up before 9 (7/7)
                     Get up Before 9 (30/30)
                     Find out about graduation
                     Call company for HR rep name
                     Format resume and cover letter
                     Complete 3 service projects of my own (2/3)
                     Finish the top of my quilt
                     Make a skirt 
                     One picture a week (29/29)
                     At least one blog post a week
                     Write in my journal once a week (7/29)
                     Go camping (backyard Sunday May 22,2011) (Andrea and Chris August 20,2011)
                     Do a photostrip at the mall (Friday October 21,2011)
                     Research and switch over one cleaning product to a more natural one. (Laundry detergent! and plans for homemade hand soap) 

So tomorrow I'll have a whole new set of goals and Remy is even getting in on them with me. I can't wait. Do you have any goals your working on? What's been your favorite birthday as an adult?

P.S. Happy Birthday to my almost birthday twin Rachel!

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