Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

We'll share the shelter of my single bed

We Were SO Poor Wednesday:

When Remy and I first got married I moved into the place he was already living. It was a basement suite with two roommates. We were so grateful that we didn't need to find a new place to live. Now that I look back I can't believe what we were thinking. The landlord worked with Remy on the same project and so he lost his job the same time Remy did. In order to make up for his lost income he raised our rent to an obscene amount. Let me tell you about our room. In every other house on the planet it would be considered a storage room.

When you walked in you couldn't open the door all the way because we had our bedside table (cardboard box, no joke!) right next to the bed that prevented the door opening.We had a twin bed. Can you even imagine two adults sleeping on a twin bed every night. We had a tiny little walkway in-between our bed and the closet, we had to shimmy in sideways. Actually you could just sit on the end of the bed and pick out your clothes in the closet (which was only selves). Last but not least we had a desk that was our landlords in there that he wouldn't let us move.

  We have come a long way since then. We think back about our first place and laugh and wonder how we made it work. but you just do you just make it work. The great thing about starting so small was A. it happened when we were newlyweds and pretty darn snuggly B. We can't get much smaller and C. If we have to downsize in the future at least we know we can do it.

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