Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Bye Bye Love, Hello Lonliness!

Remy with his camping stuff.
Our house has been turned upside down the last couple of days. Remy is going on his first Young Men's Camp. Every year the youth of our church and their leaders go on a camp out to certify for thing like first aid and other camping related things.  The boys and girls go on separate camping trips. The boys will eat junk food, fart, get bug bites, sun burnt, no sleep, and do all manner of gross things which I am sure my husband will indulge in. I was able to go when I was in Young Womens and I met some amazing people and had so much fun, and we were far less gross I am sure.

This year Remy is one of the leaders for the trip. I am so excited for him. He really struggled with making the decision to go or not because some of the challenges he will face.  With some gentle encouragement from his loving wife and a good friend going as well he has decided to go. I think it will be such a great experience for him. So I'll say goodbye to my husband on Tuesday for four days and say a big hello to loneliness!

For one I have never been alone that long before. I have either lived at home with my family, lived with a roommate, or lived with my husband. Not only that but for five years now Remy and I have talked to each other in one way or another almost everyday. I won't be able to talk to him for four days. I am going to miss him so much.

I don't do well alone, so I have some awesome friends and fun plans that will hopefully keep me busy. My driving test is going to be while he is away and we are both a little sad about that. I am going to be a mess if I don't pass, the kind of mess that only someone you're sealed to should see because they have to love you...forever.

I know there are amazing service people and their families that struggle with having their spouse gone for a lot longer, they truly are people to admire. I am going to miss his handsome mug that's for sure but  like I said I have some fun plans.

1 comment:

  1. We are waiting for Remy's camp stories...would love to hear how it went...
