Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

He works hard for his money so I better treat him right...

Remy has recently finished his SECOND documentary. A little over a week ago we were able to go to the showing of it at the Port Theatre. It was such a neat experience. We got there about an hour early and I got to meet all the people that worked on the project as well. Someone from Shaw came to interview them, as well as Remy was interviewed by A channel AND a local radio station about the documentary.

Remy was being interviewed as they were escorting people from the lobby into the theater. I stayed behind to listen to Remy's interview but the seating police wouldn't hear of it. *Heaven forbid I'm not in my seat the exact second everyone else is* I was ushered to my seat *those ladies mean business!* and Remy joined me shortly.

After the introductions Remy introduced the documentary. We have been married 3 years now and there is something extremely valuable. There are certain times when I can just tell that Remy is about to pull whatever he is going to say out his armpit and I should either pay close attention or record it because he won't remember a single thing he says. I grabbed my camera as the microphone was being passed to him and discretely recorded his speech to introduce the documentary.

*Sorry the video is sideways I'm not sure how to fix that*

It was wonderful to see what he has been working on for the last few months. The documentary was really well received and they had an awesome turn out! After it was over we had a community discussion which I even stood up and spoke. I was so nervous and almost didn't but Remy encouraged me to because I could bring a very unique perspective to the discussion.

We then went into the lobby for coffee and tea (I laughed at this). People kept coming up to me and saying how proud I must be of Remy. I am. I am so proud of him and all he has accomplished and worked for, he is an amazing man. People were stealing him left, right ,and center and I was so happy for him. On the programs there was a bio of each person that worked on the documentary and in Remy's one of the lines was "When not writing, he enjoys reading, music, video games and making his wife happy." 

I love this guy!

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