Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

To be together for eternity

Till death do us part …

Those words have always disturbed me. I always found it sad that no matter how much you love someone, you could only be with them for a set amount of time. Then you would lose them. The lives you built, the times of contentment and the trials you’ve overcome could be snuffed out in a moment.

Then I joined the LDS church, and everything changed. I learned that life is more than this brief stint here on earth. Of course a part of me always knew that. But what’s more is love can transcend the bonds of death into eternity. The idea that love between husband and wife, and between friends and family exists afterwards surprised me. After all, most Christians have a much different view of eternity, a view which is largely unknown. it’s a place of eternal peace, and not much else.

I bring this up because in a little over a month, I will be taking my wife Chelsea to the temple, to be sealed together for life, and beyond. What a glorious feeling this eternal perspective. Knowing I will not lose her, and knowing I am now worthy to perform this ultimate ceremony with her. Knowing our union will bring not only our happiness in this life, but also unfathomable possibilities in the next.

But with this joy comes too the sobering realization that my family and most of my friends do not understand the significance of this union. So many people I know consider the concept of religion a means by which we may be controlled, or not worth understanding, or an elaborate hoax. I do not blame them. It wasn’t that long ago I would have felt a similar way. But the understanding that this is real, and knowing few people I know will take it seriously or will be able to be truly happy for what we’re doing … it saddens me. Oh they’ll be happy enough of course. Marriage is after all a more or less universally accepted union. But Chelsea and I have been officially married for three years. This is something greater. The true meaning of what it is to be married. It’s easy to tell someone you want to be with them forever. But knowing that it is not only possible, but expected … I imagine it would be like seeing the world and all its vibrant beauty for the first time, after years of seeing only what one’s limited vision would allow.

I suppose I shouldn’t feel so bad. This is a one of the most important moments in my life. , and one I honestly never thought I’d reach. Perhaps my example will inspire others, or perhaps not. But this experience above all others proves I have made much more of my life than the medical “professionals” and teachers of my youth ever thought I would. This is my time to shine, and Chelsea’s time to have the wedding she’s always wanted.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Remy, we are so excited for you guys!
