Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Where would you like to be in 10 years?

I usually skip over writing prompts like this or completely groan and die a little when I have to answer this or do an essay on this topic. Today, after looking over tons of other writing prompts I decided to tackle this and maybe write why I hate this question. 
I hate this questions because I think, I'm just trying to survive this hour, day, week, month how am I suppose to write about YEARS at a time. In ten years I will be 38 and there will be so many variables between now and then. My life is impacted by two other lives right now and before they were here it was my parents.
I am obviously not a dreamer haha! I don't really have dreams or hopes for my life. I hoped I would get married and I did that. That was about it. Sometimes I let myself dream a little bit but then quickly talk myself out of it by thinking of the practicalities. "Well that's not at all realistic. In order for that to happen xy and z would have to happen."
SO ten years from now (so ridiculous) I don't know. Not even in my dream world can I picture something.
I'm not a dreamer, I don't have goals beyond a year, I'm just trying to survive today, and I hate this question.

1 comment:

  1. i love this, so gladit was posted . i have now added it to my bookmarks. love reading this. its hard to think about years from now when you have family. just remember to have your dreams even if they never become a reality, you never know what life will bring you and when you may have an opportunity to "seize the day " Love you all
