Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Where do we go from here? I want the world to tell me, please!

When Remy got his job we were beyond thrilled, like ecstatic and with us staying here it left me lots of options. We were so geared up to move that when the news came we were staying the question was...what was I going to do? I currently have three options: go back to school, get a job, or keep staying at home. Honestly I feel so overwhelmed because each has such big pros and cons plus everyone seems to have an opinion except me, I have no idea what to do. So here I go writing it all down to see it helps.

Stay at home: I'm currently a stay-at-home wife and I love it. In a few years I probably won't remember how I kept myself busy I'm going to write down my loose schedule so I always remember how amazing it was and to answer the question that I keep getting "What do you do all day?"
Wake up with Remy and make him breakfast
Eat breakfast together
Take a shower
Read scriptures
Work on personal progress
Work on a project (these change depending on the day I make our own cleaning products, laundry soap, liquid hand soap, my own rice flour, make bread, laundry, visiting teaching, young women's stuff etc.)
Have lunch
Make the bed, clean the floors, clean the bathroom, pick up the rest of the house
Get dinner started
Do dishes
Make Remy's lunch
return e-mail, make phone calls
Work on Remy's surprise for the day (which I've been able to keep doing :) )
Finish dinner and get it on the table
We don't have children, I'm not working so I love being able to do all of these things for us. It's been wonderful to say yes when people ask me for a favor or to help them out with something. I do really enjoy it and Remy always tells me how much he appreciates all of things I do. There are two cons so far, I don't get paid (boo!) and I get lonely being by myself for 10 hours without even a cat or fish to talk to.

Back to school: It would be a great time to do this. I would go back and do some upgrading courses which we currently qualify for them to be free, again we don't have kids so I would be able to go and then do homework with little to no interruptions. Cons: I only kind of have a long term goal of what I want to do. I have always wanted to be a wife and mother, honestly not much else. I went into the accounting program because it was going to be paid for and it's something I could do from home eventually not because I had a passion for it. I could easily have a career with the certificate that I have so if I don't know what I want to do differently why go back when I could be earning some money?
Although just last night I shared with Remy something that I am really passionate about and what (I think) I would love to do for a living. He is the only person I shared my idea with (after a few hours of him begging me to share) because I am so afraid that if I start telling people what I want to do I will get too many negative opinions about it and lose my enthusiasm. I'm really nervous about it because it will more than likely take about 5 years of schooling to complete. Remy is super supportive and told me to go for it and that we would figure it out. I also feel like I'm already 24 I will more than likely be 30 before I finish everything and what about us having children in the mix will that delay things and our current plan is for me to stay at home with the kids so would it all be worth the thousands of dollars? How much retraining would I need once I'm ready to go back into the workforce after kids?

Get a job: In the next few years Remy and I have things we would like to do (buy a car, house, go on a cruise, build up retirement, nest egg etc.) and they all cost money so in order to make those things happen faster the more money we make now the better. I could have a career not just a job.
Cons: We wouldn't enjoy the same life we have now i.e. I wouldn't make nearly as many things as I do now, I wouldn't be able to help people as much, Remy would have to help with chores more. We would no longer qualify for me to do free upgrading when I am ready which means we will need to save even more money for when I go back. I also think we will get used to the money and it will make it even more difficult to go back to school when the time comes or maybe I might just lose motivation.

I feel like every single time I think about these options I make a different decision although staying home, while I really enjoy it, isn't going to happen much longer. *sigh* I feel like so much depends on the this decision, like this is a crossroad in my life and what I choose now will decide what path my life takes. At the same time I also feel like in a few years from now I will look back and feel silly for worrying so much. I do feel so blessed that I even have this to worry about because so many people all over the world don't have all of these options available to them.

We will get it figured out soon, I have no doubt.

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