Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Friday, August 26, 2011

We go together like rama lama lama ke ding a de dinga a dong

Or like Fiddler on the Roof and Greek yogurt? Strange huh. The other day I was in the kitchen doing dishes when this conversation took place:
Me: You know what honey?
Remy: No, what?
Me: Do you know what I really really want right this second?
Remy: What?
Me: To watch Fiddler on the Roof and eat Greek yogurt.
Remy: *:Laughter* Well that's strange.

Do you have weird things like that ever?

Another one that is my favorite is day-time TV and mac and cheese. I can do one without the other but it's just not the same. It all started my freshman year in high school. I went to school half days for three of the afternoons I went and volunteered at a day-care and the other two days I got to go home. The alone time was absolutely glorious! Before I started doing half-days I would wake up for seminary around 5:30 a.m., go to seminary, go to school, cheerleading practice, come home and do homework, eat dinner, homework, possibly time for some relaxing, and then bed (which we all know was code for reading). So having a whole afternoon by myself to do whatever (alright so I was suppose to be doing schoolwork) was heaven on earth. I would usually get home and make some lunch and watch The Nanny. LOVED IT!

Remy's is that if he is eating chips (junk food of choice) he has to be either A. watch a movie or B. reading. He won't eat them any other time. How strange is that?

What are some of yours?

ALSO if anyone want to come over and watch (a.k.a sing along) Fiddler on the Roof and eat yummy Greek yogurt just let me know.

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