Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Treat Her Like a Lady

Last night I was looking at my bookshelf and seeing if I had any hidden gems of inspiration. My search produced awesome results.

When I was a teenager I bought this book,

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What an odd kid I was. I love all things homemaking and this book is amazing. There are so many useful tips and natural recipes for cleaning that I might start sharing because they are too good not to share. Not only does it have these wonderful helps and tips, it's very entertaining. The book is written by Caroline Dunwoody to her children in 1866.

After our scripture reading I started reading some of the book to Remy and we came across behaviour of a lady.  While reading through this list I started thinking of how many ladies I know. I think in our day and age we are too quick to call all women ladies. To be a lady is an honor. I also think that too many women today don't see it as such. When did being a lady become such a negative thing?

"One simply cannot consider oneself a lady, unless the following behavior is strictly observed:
  • A lady is never rude to anyone
  • A lady will not dress in an odd way as to attract attention or remarks
  • A lady in public walks wrapped in  a mantle of proper reserve, so impenetrable that insult and coarse familiarity shrink from her
  • A lady carried herself with dignity, but never in such a way to make others think she feel superior to them
  • A lady is kind to all people, and carries with her a congenial atmosphere which puts all at ease
  • A lady refrains from discussing anything unpleasant or indecent 
  • A lady does not smoke, or bite her fingernails
  • A lady is always concerned with the health and happiness of those around her and will do everything she can to see that they are properly attended to
  • A lady is never late (lest it give her suitors time to count up her faults)
  • A lady's integrity is never at question
  • A lady understands that inflexibility is the hallmark of the tiny mind
  • A lady possesses a sense of humor and can easily laugh at herself, but never at others"
I think that sounds like a woman I would like to be friends with. You can call me a lady any time you want and I will be honored.

*Update on dress- My step-dad has offered to pay for the dress to be made. What a relief and blessing!*

1 comment:

  1. I stink at being a lady....You, on the other hand, possess all of those wonderful attributes. I hope your goodness rubs off on me hahaha. That's great to hear about the dress too!!! Must be a huge relief!! :)
