Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Yesterday at FHE Kirsten, Paul, Remy, and I were all talking about spontaneity. The guys were more go with the flow, whatever happens happens type and Kirsten and I like planning and structure (surprise surprise!) During our conversation Remy mentioned "Yeah like 2 am pancakes."

It made me sad that it took me a second to remember what he was talking about. So I decided that I needed to write it down so we will have this memory as the years go by.

On many occasions Remy and I would stay up until the very wee hours of the night talking and laughing. Sometimes we would turned to each other and one of us would say we were hungry and the other would say "me too" and we would head to the kitchen and either make pancakes or toast (sometimes one of us would brave the cold and bring snacks into bed). We had so many of those nights and I loved each one. There were times when the sun light would be streaming into our bedroom window and we couldn't believe it could be that late (or early). I also very clearly remember having one of these nights before an early all day church function. 

During these moments I just stop and think how awesome marriage is and that I am truly blessed to have found and married a man that I can have such wonderful times with, who really is my best friend. I have loved our first few years of marriage and I look forward to the years ahead of us. 

*Note: I recently had the most amazing pancake dream. Someone made me pancakes and brought them to me. I asked if they were gluten-free and they said no. I threw caution to the wind and slowly ate and savoured each bite. They were so fluffy and amazing I thought for sure I would wake up sick. Sigh...gluten-free pancakes just aren't the same.


  1. Haha this is funny b/c I just told my sister I wanted pancakes!!!! They are so good!! I haven't tried the gluten-free version but I will take your word for it! :)

  2. Pancakes are amazing! I think the dream was because of last weeks Modern Family when Mitchell brought Cam pancakes for Mothers Day because it was that night when I had the dream. :)
