Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Help...I need somebody...Help!

As some of you may know, Remy and I have set the date to go to the temple! We are so excited and are looking forward to it very much. I have waited for this day FOREVA! Remy and I will become a forever family and I love him more for it.

All these feelings of happiness and excitement are also accompanied by STRESS. Stress= emotional eating+ break outs, which has been super fun. In an effort to save us some money I have decided to make the dress I will be wearing to the temple and for pictures after. 

Now I know what you are thinking,"Are you insane? Make your own dress?" Apparently I am. I have been warned about how hard it's going to be but I don't have much of a choice. The dress I want is not really in style at the moment nor could I afford it if it was. I do have a recommendation for a wonderful seamstress but I'm afraid to call and find out how much a dress would be, because I don't even know where to begin.

This is how far I got before I got overwhelmed and closed the door.

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Yup 48 days left and all I've done is opened the pattern. I think I need more chocolate! 

So anyone handy with a sewing machine that is dying to spend hours helping me make a complicated dress? *Just a note, I'm not very good company right now so that should sweeten the deal, no?*

Thursday, April 28, 2011

You've Got A Friend in Me

I recently just read Sundays At Tiffany's by James Patterson. It's about a little girl and her imaginary friend. It was a nice light read and a little odd at times.

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As I was reading I started remembering MY imaginary friend, Anella. I was about two when my dear friend Anella came into my life. She was in her late teens/early twenties, could drive, she worked at the bank AND McDonald's. She was very pretty and I distinctly remember she had blonde hair that she wore in a beehive hairstyle. 
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Sometimes we hung out and sometimes she had to work either at the bank or McDonald's it depended on the day.

My "Big Gram" (Great-Grandmother she wasn't a large woman I just called her that and she was an amazing woman!) would often play along. One day I remember I hid behind the couch with Anella while Big Gram answered the door and told the bullies (imaginary of course) we weren't there. I came out from behind the couch and went "Phew that was a close one".

Anella and my friendship latest about 10 months; but around the time my little sister was going to be born Anella had to move to Florida. I don't remember being sad it was just something that had to happen, and she never came back. 

Anyone else have an imaginary friend?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Playas Gon' Play

The playas gon' play
Them haters gonna hate
Them callers gonna call
Them ballers gonna ball

I started saying "Haters gonna hate" around our house because I think it's simply a hilarious thing to say.  But then I started thinking about it and realised it is also very true. There are just some people in life that no matter what won't like you.

Isn't that crazy to think about, I mean some people won't like you no matter what a wonderful person you are.

This has been something I have struggled with over the years. I have spent years learning to not base my self worth on what other people think of me and it's something I am still learning. 

So haters gonna hate and I am okay with that.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

He is Risen!

Today I was able to give the Easter lesson to my little sunbeams. Now our classes never go as I plan because they are three and well every Sunday is different. Some days they listen, sit, and are enthralled by the stories, other times there is no way in heaven or on earth you can get them to sit still.

I carefully planned this lesson because out of all the lesson through the year I feel this lesson is the most important. If they learn nothing else the whole year I want them to learn of what Jesus Christ has done and why He is our Saviour.

We had three girls show up for sunbeams today and I was so relieved because small classes usually go better. I told them the story of His birth, some stories from his life, and the story of Easter. When I was planning I wasn't sure how to approach the story of Easter because some parts are so gruesome. The manual told us to approach the topic carefully and to be mindful of sensitive students. I know as a child that my heart must have broke hearing this story because every time I read it as an adult it still breaks. The children were very concerned (especially because Jesus didn't have any clothes on!)  and I tried to convey how important the story of Gethsemane and the Cross are but I also stressed the importance that He lives!

We talked about the resurrection and even had a demonstration with a glove (which they loved). I felt the spirit so strongly in our classroom as I was able to talk to them of the true meaning of Easter. The hope, the love, and the peace that comes with it.

I know that our Saviour suffered in the garden of Gethsemane for me. I know that He was betrayed, and was condemned to die.  I know that He was crucified but I also know that He was resurrected after three days and that He lives now. I am so humbled by this knowledge and feel so blessed.

Happy Easter everyone, He is RISEN!

*I do not own rights to this picture*

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Where my girls at?

I have been so blessed over the years to have amazing friends. There have been so many wonderful people that have enriched my life.

This week my friend Laurie came down from Prince George. It was so much fun seeing her! She came over on Wednesday and we had so much fun chatting and catching up with each other.

On Thursday our friend Andrea met us after work and we all went down to the waterfront for a picnic. It was such a beautiful day. We enjoyed our yummy food and chatting.

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Look at these delicious peanut butter cups Andrea made
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 She even brought extras for Remy since it was a girls only picnic.

After dinner we went back to my place and got in our comfy pjs. And as most sleepovers go, we went out for a night adventure. Complete with a trip to DQ, we even closed the place down.

Keeping with the sleepovers I remember we did faces masks from lush (so they were edible but we found out they actually don't taste that great) did our nails and watched a movie. The only fun part that wasn't allowed growing up was there was boy at this one (and he is so cute!)

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

This little girl of mine...

Okay so she's not really mine she's actually Steve and Leah's little girl.

At church I work with the 3 year old class (Sunbeams) with another woman. We trade off teaching the lesson and both marshal the kids. This is my third year teaching this class and every year I always have one that steals my heart. (I said it...I have favorites!) This year is no different and I seem to have a pattern. I love the troublemakers! Not the ones that are deliberately mean but just the ones that run, are crazy, and have a hard time listening because more often then not they are the ones that once you catch them will snuggle up and give you a big hug. How can you not love that!

One Sunday I had Nicole on my lap and she was telling me about her plans for the afternoon, she was going to her grandmas house. I told her that sounded like fun and asked if I could come. She looked at me, thought it over and said yes and that they could pick me up at my house. I could even sit in the front seat! This conversation started a friendship.

After primary was over she ran to ask her mom. It turns out that I couldn't come but Leah told her I could come over some other time. I got a hold of Leah that week and asked if I could take Nicole on a play date. We scheduled it for a Thursday. I made some phone calls and found out the Library had a story time for 3 year olds on Thursday. I met the two of them there and Nicole and I started our day together.

We went for story time, then we ate snack out in front of the library while running around like maniacs. We then went back in to read some books and play on the computer. I took her out for lunch and then we rode the bus home. We had such a fun day!

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Our next play date happened when her older sister went for swimming lessons and Leah asked if I wouldn't mind watching Nicole. The hour went by so fast and she was completely fascinated by Remy and asked me a lot of questions about him.

This Sunday Nicole mentioned that she was hungry and I told her I bet her mom would make her some lunch when she got home. She thought about it for a moment and asked if I wanted to come over. She said that her mom could make us lunch, I could play with her dolls, and we could color in her coloring book. I told Leah after church and apparently she really did ask if I could come over. So another play date has been put in the works.

I know she probably won't ever remember that her sunbeam teacher thought she was one of the cutest little girls and enjoyed spending time with her but maybe just maybe she'll take something away from our time together. I have to admit I do have my selfish reasons... it's nice to have a kid want to sit on your lap at church.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ya Gotta Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

Lately my Mondays have been going the same way. Wake up and run errands, come home and clean the house/ do laundry, make dinner, and then Family Home Evening.

Remy and I have been having a BLAST with Kirsten and Paul. Our "FHE Group". We take turns with the lesson and have a fun activity after. One night we played "Celestial Companions" and one of the question was something to the effect of what piece of clothing of our spouses do we hate. We all had something and described it to each other. Well I wanted to see these. We decided that we would wear it one night to show each other. Week after week after week went by of us forgetting. Yesterday it finally happened!

Kirsten, Paul, and Dayna (Kirsten's sister) came over for FHE and after Paul did a wonderful lesson on Forgiveness we colored some Easter Eggs. We had fun and they turned out great! Also Kirsten brought some gluten-free black bean brownies and they were so tasty.

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Group Picture
(I'm so sorry you got cut out Paul! I was in such a hurry to just get all the pictures done I didn't really look at what I just took. As you will notice I continued that pattern with the rest of the pictures. So awful get the idea I hope.)

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*I am pulling the "I hate pictures of me" girl move. *

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Do it, to it

This post isn't very exciting but I wanted to share. I mentioned in my last post that Remy and I made a list of goals we would like to do before our birthdays. Some goals were long term and some were short term. Instead of being completely overwhelmed and not doing them at all I decided that every Sunday I was going to pick a few to do that week. So this was this weeks list:
Bold is complete
Italics is in progress
  • Read one chapter of the Book of Mormon a day
  • Read temple booklet on Sunday
  • Go to institute
  • Research disability savings bond
  • Cancel proactive
  • Read Friday Night Knitting Club
  • Get up before 9 everyday this week
  • Find out about graduation
  • Format resume and cover letter
  • Send cover letter and resume
  • One Journal Entry
  • One Blog entry
  • One picture
  • Make VT appointments
  • Go VT
  • Return bottles
  • Do face masks and nails
  • Research health insurance
  • Make a skirt
  • Pay bills
  • Get tax stuff together
  • Get Mom's card in the mail
  • Take out tithing
Tomorrow I will make a whole new list for next week. I have really enjoyed waking up every morning to a list of possible accomplishments.

Now I am not sure what most 23 year old young ladies want to have done before they are 24 but here is mine:


  • Go to the Temple (June 14,2011)

  • Get sealed (June 18, 2011)

  • Complete Book of Mormon reading (June 7,2011)

  • Complete Young Women Personal Progress

  • Spend an hour on genealogy (0/6)

  • Finish temple booklet

  • Go to the temple (0/3)

  • Get certificate for institute


  • Keep track and stick to budget (0/3)

  • Move money into safety deposit box

  • Look into disability bond

  • Research new cell phone carries and choose one


  • Learn more about running and buy correct shoes

  • Run 10 continual minutes

  • Run 15 continual minutes

  • Run 20 continual minutes

  • Find better skin care regiment

    • Lush

  • Cancel proactiv

  • Do Calenetics (0/19) per month


  • Try 10 new recipes

    • .

    • .

    • .

    • .

    • .

    • .

    • .

    • .

    • .

  • Try 3 new foods

    • .

    • .

    • .

  • Don't eat after dinner for one week! (0/7)

  • Have one couple over for dinner or dessert once a month (0/7)


  • Read books I have before buying any new ones

    • Friday Night Knitting Club (and then return)

    • Say You're One of Them

    • Juliet

    • Doll in McCallaway's Store

    • Willow Switch

    • Sunday's at Tiffany

    • The Thirteenth Tale

  • Get my N

  • Take a community class

  • Get up before 9 (7/7)

  • Get up Before 9 (0/30)

  • Find out about graduation


  • By April 30 either a job or volunteer

    • Call company for HR rep name

    • Format resume and cover letter

  • Complete 3 service projects of my own (0/3)


  • Finish the top of my quilt

  • Make a skirt

  • One picture a week (0/29)

  • At least one blog post a week (0/29)

  • Write in my journal once a week (0/29)

  • Go camping

  • Do a photostrip at the mall with Remy


  • Research and switch over one cleaning product to a more natural one.

  • Get crackin with moving details

I am constantly added more, it's kind of addicting. What are some of your goals for this year?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sew Baby Sew

The other day I was thinking I will be turning 24 in a few short months. I decided that there are some things I would like to do before my birthday. SO as my ideas usually go I sat Remy down and told him we need to make a list of goals we want to have accomplished before our birthdays (he will have two extra weeks to do his). He, being the good sport that he is, agreed and we got to work.

One of my goals was to make a skirt. I found a great tutorial that shows how to make a skirt out of a bed sheet. I was so excited and it looked really easy. I saved the website to my favorites (before my computer got a virus and wiped everything! grumble grumble) and then was on a hunt for a cute bed sheet.

Today was going to be the day for my skirt adventure. After I went visiting teaching I got ready to head to Value Village. I couldn't wait to have a cute new spring skirt to wear to church. *As a side note I have almost no cute spring/summer clothes mostly I think because I HATE shopping for them* As I walked to the bus stop it began to POUR down rain, but that wasn't going to dampen my spirits I was on a mission. I got to the store soaking wet and be-lined straight to the bedding. ALL the sheets were sooo ugly. I thought "How are these Utah women finding such cute bed sheets at thrift stores?" I'll have to get their secrets. I was a little and discouraged.

I decided since I came all this way in the rain I would walk around the store. I walked past rack after rack when a pattern caught my eye. I grabbed the hanger to find a pair of cute PJ pants in my size. (well a size larger but...) I was thrilled! I knew I could make something out of these pants. I went to the shoes to see if I could something to match my new (almost) skirt. I found some white cloth tennis shoes IN MY SIZE! With all this good luck how could I stop so I went to the shirts and found a shirt that would match my size!

I couldn't wait to come home and get started. As soon as I was in the door I showed Remy my purchases and got cutting.
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As I was finishing cutting the second leg up the seam I thought, "I should find a pattern online. " With a quick google search I found I was doing things all wrong.Oh well, I just started pinning and cutting until it looked like something I liked and then got to work sewing. This is how it turned out...
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My whole outfit cost me... $20 exactly!
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So what your favorite thing to wear in spring?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Don't you ever interrupt me when I'm reading a book...

When I was little my sister and I would climb into our beds after teeth had been brushed and prayers had been said and wait. My mom would position herself on the floor near the door and open not only a book but a whole new world to us. We began with the Little House on the Prairie series and then worked our way up to the Babysitter's Club books. I looked forward to our night time ritual and would often (okay probably every night) beg for more.

I still remember the feeling of learning to read. It felt exactly like a light switch had been turned on. It felt like "Oh, so that's how people do it."After that I couldn't be stopped. My mom showing me how magical reading can be, and Mrs. Taylor, my first grade teacher showing me how, have been two of the best gifts I have received. Reading became a love of mine. It opened my mind to thoughts, ideas and people. I was able to travel around the world, and through time.

As I grew older my love affair continued. In 5th grade I was tested and had a high school senior reading level and a college comprehension level (and a low 5th grade spelling level...oh well can't win 'em all). I was thrilled and expanded what I read, challenging myself. As a teenager when my friends and I went to the mall (which was rare, it was a 30 min. drive) I would ask if they minded if we stopped (and spent hours) in the book store. I would spend hours and hours in bed reading after the lights out call. *Mom I am sure you are shocked to find this out.*

When I met Remy I quickly discovered someone who had a passion for reading. We discussed books we liked, books we've read, writing styles, and authors. We used to have our own "book club". We took turns choosing books for us to read and then discuss. I have enjoyed having a partner in crime.

I have many hobbies and interests that come and go but reading is my constant love. So if ever you want to start a conversation with me, just ask what book I am reading.

And if you love to this!