Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

You've Got A Friend in Me

I recently just read Sundays At Tiffany's by James Patterson. It's about a little girl and her imaginary friend. It was a nice light read and a little odd at times.

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As I was reading I started remembering MY imaginary friend, Anella. I was about two when my dear friend Anella came into my life. She was in her late teens/early twenties, could drive, she worked at the bank AND McDonald's. She was very pretty and I distinctly remember she had blonde hair that she wore in a beehive hairstyle. 
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Sometimes we hung out and sometimes she had to work either at the bank or McDonald's it depended on the day.

My "Big Gram" (Great-Grandmother she wasn't a large woman I just called her that and she was an amazing woman!) would often play along. One day I remember I hid behind the couch with Anella while Big Gram answered the door and told the bullies (imaginary of course) we weren't there. I came out from behind the couch and went "Phew that was a close one".

Anella and my friendship latest about 10 months; but around the time my little sister was going to be born Anella had to move to Florida. I don't remember being sad it was just something that had to happen, and she never came back. 

Anyone else have an imaginary friend?


  1. Very cute, and imaginative too. Either that or you saw someone from a past you never lived. I don't think I had one, but then I did talk to myself a lot so you never know.
    Love you Sweetie.

  2. i love the new look chelsea. keep up the good work

  3. Thank you sweetie, I love you too!

    Lissa: Thanks :D
