Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Friday, May 13, 2011

New girl in town

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have an announcement to make.

I LOST 3 pounds in a week. Yup it's the truth. It's not a new girl walking around with that man candy Remy on her arm it's still me. Now I know that this isn't much and it might be water weight or might gain it back in a week but I'm still excited. To go from steadily gaining weight and not knowing why, to maintaining no matter what I did, to losing weight. I am so excited.

So if you don't recognize me don't feel bad, I mean I did just lose 3 pounds.


  1. Hahaha, three is better than nothing! And it's much better than gaining it so congratulations!! :)

  2. Well now I won't be shocked to see Remy with a new wife on Sunday. Way to go Chelsea!!!!
