Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Goin on a bear hunt...

Mine and Remy's anniversary is on Tuesday (wohoo! 3 years) and we are spanning the celebration over a couple of days. We haven't really done much for any of our other anniversaries and decided this one would be different.

We love camping but haven't had a chance to do much mostly because well...we didn't have a tent. So on date night we went and bought a tent. We bought a tent and a sleeping bag and as we were waiting for the bus and I was sitting there justifying the money we just spent (which wasn't in our budget) Remy turns to me and says "Well, at least we will always have a place to live." My response, "Very true. Alright then I guess it's okay."

To kick off the anniversary extravaganza we camped in our backyard. We spend Sunday afternoon setting the tent up and then went back out later that night.

 Putting some finishing touches on it

 We just had to jump right in and try it out.
 Our snacks: sparkling Juice and popcorn.
 The massive amount of blankets I brought out with us. I also came in and brought another comforter out. We were so comfy cosy.
 The bed all set up and ready for us.
We brought Remy's laptop out and watched Merlin. 

We had such a blast on our little camp out but did end up coming in about 5:30 a.m. to finish sleeping in our real bed. I think it might be time to invest in an air mattress. I can't wait to continue the celebration, so far so good!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I can see clearly now...

As most of you know my husband is visually impaired. It has brought some very unique challenges to our marriage but it has also brought us closer together as a couple. There have been tears of frustration and definitely laughter. Sometimes I even have forgotten that Remy is visually impaired.

One of the things that I take care of is our grocery shopping, not too unusual. Well one Sunday while I was going to school I was taking a shower and sobbing. That week I was going to school (8 am-4pm Mon-Fri on top of homework, projects, and studying!) was going visiting teaching, had institute, had my calling to deal with, as well as other odds and ends that goes with being an adult. We also had no food in the house.

I was standing in the shower crying thinking about all of this. Remy came in and asked me what was wrong. I sobbed "We're going to ssssttttaaaarrrvvveeee!" Remy listened to me talk about the week I had ahead of me. He suggested we call and ask someone for a ride (would cut down 2 hours of travel time) but I didn't even have time to do the actual shopping.  I told him I'd be out in a few minutes but really I just sat down in the shower and cried.

A few minutes later Remy came in to tell me that he called our friend Andrea and they were going to take care of the shopping if I made the list. I felt instant relief and gratitude. What a blessing!

Although we face challenges that some couples never even think of I wouldn't change him for the world.

Friday, May 13, 2011

What's my age again?

Honestly, my body doesn't know it's coming or going. In the last week I have found 3 grey hairs. 3 in a week. When I found my first one (well it wasn't my first ever but the first this week) at first I was outraged and then I thought "what took you so long." I mean with the amount of worry and stress I put myself through I shouldn't even remember my natural hair color.

But don't let my grey hair fool you into thinking my body think it's older than my 23 years, my face tells a different story (well my whole entire body really). I have my 13 year old acne again. So I get to go through acne twice (and probably again I hear it's super fun when your pregnant too). I am just that lucky.

I have also heard that twenty year old "can eat anything". Is this true? If so, this girl  missed out on that. Which is a shame because I really could have used that before I started learning more about food.

Anyother super fun thing that certainly is no secret...dark facial hair. So not only does my face think it's a 13 year old girl it also thinks it's a 50 year old woman.

AND of course there is my kidney disease that takes 20 years to manifest ( I had just turn 20 a month before). I was considerably the youngest person on the kidney ward in the hospital.  

So overall my body thinks I'm an old woman ya know except for the acne which of course is the best part of being young.

New girl in town

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have an announcement to make.

I LOST 3 pounds in a week. Yup it's the truth. It's not a new girl walking around with that man candy Remy on her arm it's still me. Now I know that this isn't much and it might be water weight or might gain it back in a week but I'm still excited. To go from steadily gaining weight and not knowing why, to maintaining no matter what I did, to losing weight. I am so excited.

So if you don't recognize me don't feel bad, I mean I did just lose 3 pounds.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Yesterday at FHE Kirsten, Paul, Remy, and I were all talking about spontaneity. The guys were more go with the flow, whatever happens happens type and Kirsten and I like planning and structure (surprise surprise!) During our conversation Remy mentioned "Yeah like 2 am pancakes."

It made me sad that it took me a second to remember what he was talking about. So I decided that I needed to write it down so we will have this memory as the years go by.

On many occasions Remy and I would stay up until the very wee hours of the night talking and laughing. Sometimes we would turned to each other and one of us would say we were hungry and the other would say "me too" and we would head to the kitchen and either make pancakes or toast (sometimes one of us would brave the cold and bring snacks into bed). We had so many of those nights and I loved each one. There were times when the sun light would be streaming into our bedroom window and we couldn't believe it could be that late (or early). I also very clearly remember having one of these nights before an early all day church function. 

During these moments I just stop and think how awesome marriage is and that I am truly blessed to have found and married a man that I can have such wonderful times with, who really is my best friend. I have loved our first few years of marriage and I look forward to the years ahead of us. 

*Note: I recently had the most amazing pancake dream. Someone made me pancakes and brought them to me. I asked if they were gluten-free and they said no. I threw caution to the wind and slowly ate and savoured each bite. They were so fluffy and amazing I thought for sure I would wake up sick. Sigh...gluten-free pancakes just aren't the same.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

To be together for eternity

Till death do us part …

Those words have always disturbed me. I always found it sad that no matter how much you love someone, you could only be with them for a set amount of time. Then you would lose them. The lives you built, the times of contentment and the trials you’ve overcome could be snuffed out in a moment.

Then I joined the LDS church, and everything changed. I learned that life is more than this brief stint here on earth. Of course a part of me always knew that. But what’s more is love can transcend the bonds of death into eternity. The idea that love between husband and wife, and between friends and family exists afterwards surprised me. After all, most Christians have a much different view of eternity, a view which is largely unknown. it’s a place of eternal peace, and not much else.

I bring this up because in a little over a month, I will be taking my wife Chelsea to the temple, to be sealed together for life, and beyond. What a glorious feeling this eternal perspective. Knowing I will not lose her, and knowing I am now worthy to perform this ultimate ceremony with her. Knowing our union will bring not only our happiness in this life, but also unfathomable possibilities in the next.

But with this joy comes too the sobering realization that my family and most of my friends do not understand the significance of this union. So many people I know consider the concept of religion a means by which we may be controlled, or not worth understanding, or an elaborate hoax. I do not blame them. It wasn’t that long ago I would have felt a similar way. But the understanding that this is real, and knowing few people I know will take it seriously or will be able to be truly happy for what we’re doing … it saddens me. Oh they’ll be happy enough of course. Marriage is after all a more or less universally accepted union. But Chelsea and I have been officially married for three years. This is something greater. The true meaning of what it is to be married. It’s easy to tell someone you want to be with them forever. But knowing that it is not only possible, but expected … I imagine it would be like seeing the world and all its vibrant beauty for the first time, after years of seeing only what one’s limited vision would allow.

I suppose I shouldn’t feel so bad. This is a one of the most important moments in my life. , and one I honestly never thought I’d reach. Perhaps my example will inspire others, or perhaps not. But this experience above all others proves I have made much more of my life than the medical “professionals” and teachers of my youth ever thought I would. This is my time to shine, and Chelsea’s time to have the wedding she’s always wanted.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Open letter:

Dear indoor bikini wearer,

I was wondering if you could help explain a few things for me. First, why are you wearing a bikini to an indoor pool? You do understand there is no sun. You know you won't get a tan, right? I mean as you swim and splash I have seen you pull your bathing suit up, over, and out of places that well shouldn't have a bathing suit in them in the first place. I am just so confused.

Secondly, no actually it was just that one thing.

One-piece bathing suit wearer whose body parts stay in said one piece

Friday, May 6, 2011

Treat Her Like a Lady

Last night I was looking at my bookshelf and seeing if I had any hidden gems of inspiration. My search produced awesome results.

When I was a teenager I bought this book,

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What an odd kid I was. I love all things homemaking and this book is amazing. There are so many useful tips and natural recipes for cleaning that I might start sharing because they are too good not to share. Not only does it have these wonderful helps and tips, it's very entertaining. The book is written by Caroline Dunwoody to her children in 1866.

After our scripture reading I started reading some of the book to Remy and we came across behaviour of a lady.  While reading through this list I started thinking of how many ladies I know. I think in our day and age we are too quick to call all women ladies. To be a lady is an honor. I also think that too many women today don't see it as such. When did being a lady become such a negative thing?

"One simply cannot consider oneself a lady, unless the following behavior is strictly observed:
  • A lady is never rude to anyone
  • A lady will not dress in an odd way as to attract attention or remarks
  • A lady in public walks wrapped in  a mantle of proper reserve, so impenetrable that insult and coarse familiarity shrink from her
  • A lady carried herself with dignity, but never in such a way to make others think she feel superior to them
  • A lady is kind to all people, and carries with her a congenial atmosphere which puts all at ease
  • A lady refrains from discussing anything unpleasant or indecent 
  • A lady does not smoke, or bite her fingernails
  • A lady is always concerned with the health and happiness of those around her and will do everything she can to see that they are properly attended to
  • A lady is never late (lest it give her suitors time to count up her faults)
  • A lady's integrity is never at question
  • A lady understands that inflexibility is the hallmark of the tiny mind
  • A lady possesses a sense of humor and can easily laugh at herself, but never at others"
I think that sounds like a woman I would like to be friends with. You can call me a lady any time you want and I will be honored.

*Update on dress- My step-dad has offered to pay for the dress to be made. What a relief and blessing!*