Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Clap Along If You Know What Happiness Is To You

Last month I joined the #100HappyDays challenge. I joined it knowing that this time of year is hard. It's hard because it's cold and gray and rainy, it's hard because it's stressful with the holidays, it's hard because we usually get sick, it's hard because I usually get homesick. So when I came across this challenge I honestly couldn't think of a better time to do it. How wonderful to purposefully set out to find something that made me happy each and every day. While I knew that this was going to be a good thing I had no idea what a great thing it would end up being. Throughout my day I am constantly thinking that could be it, or maybe I want to use that, but this one!

I have been able to post 40 days without missing one which I am both pleased and surprised by. I hope and plan to do the full 100 but will be happy even with the amount I've done. I have posted a lot of picture of Eliza, I've noticed, but as we spend 10 hours a day of one-on-one time together I feel like that seems pretty appropriate.  It's been lovely seeing the collection of pictures and some themes my family, my friends, my hobbies, laughs, these all make me happy. I am so happy I have found this challenge and hope to continue for all the 100 days.

My favorites

Got away to enjoy some crafting time.
Lovely pedicures with Leah that I am still enjoying the benefits of.

The Chemainus Dinner Theater with Remy. We were front row and it was wonderful!

Our yearly tradition of the singing Christmas Tree. This year I didn't get a chance to get tickets to it so I asked Remy to ask the usher for one.

Two months of freezer meals that I am so very thankful we have! I am sad and thankful at the same time that they are getting used up.

My out of my comfort zone pants that I love.

One of our at home date nights. Nachos and Pitch Perfect.

My tiny little chef.

She begs to play in the car regularly. Sometimes we sit out there for an hour or more while she plays.

Our Christmas Day. It was lovely.

Boxing Day with Remy's family. So wonderful to have them!

Selfies with my gal.

Building some block towers.


Getting a fun package in the mail.

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