Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

January came

I wish I was better about blogging and journaling. Although I'm going to try to hit on the highlights I wish I had the details of these past months. Life is going by so fast and I so many wonderful things happen I want to remember. Remy and I were talking the other day about how we hope to become better at blogging/journaling. If I were to be really diligent from here on out by the time I'm 50 I could have 25 years of my life written down, even if I've been a slacker for the last 25. Now enough about my blogging regrets haha...

Our update on January 

January was the beginning of the year but also meant the first trimester, it's funny to think I've spent the last two Christmases and Januarys pregnant.  The first trimester was not kind to me. Few women come out the other side unscathed. It's rough, hard, and usually a time when you aren't sharing the reason why you are miserable and yet trying to keep doing what you've always done. I took diclectin this time around and while not a cure it helped take the edge off enough to be somewhat normal.

I also started going to curves and really enjoyed it. I wasn't so sure about it in the beginning because I really enjoy working out and lifting weights and it seemed not as intense as I like things. I was very pleasantly surprised. I also really enjoyed having a structure, although I didn't like that I wasn't able to listen to my own music. It helped that it was only 30 minutes because whenever I didn't feel like going I would ask how else I was going to use my half hour. Working out always won. I was very pleased with myself by the end of the month I had gone every other day no matter what (even gagging while on the machines didn't stop me haha!),  I lost weight (although morning sickness may have had a bit to do with that I'm not sure), and lost an inch in each of my measurements. (I just wanted to quickly document that because I am still so happy about it!)

We also dealt with the first time Remy had the flu since we've known each other. The poor little thing. It was so sad to watch him go through it. His fever was so high and he was so very sick. Remy doesn't get sick, like ever he has the best immune system of anyone I've ever met even with the many sicknesses I've brought home (including the swine flu) he never gets them. So it was so sad and a bit scary to watch him be so sick.

Remy spent the month working hard for our family by going to work and going to school. He is pretty wonderful. He would work and then work on school work, bless his heart. Although he was able to take some time off for being sick, he didn't get to do anything fun, just lay in bed.

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