Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Monday, February 6, 2012

There goes the baker with his tray, like always The same old bread and rolls to sell

As many of you know, I have celiac disease. It's been a hard life change but it is getting easier. When people find out I have it I get many different responses. One of my favorite is "Oh I could never do that, I love _____ too much." I usually smile politely and make a comment but on the inside, on the inside I think "What do you think, I went down to the allergy store and said hmmm...which is it going to be? Oh I know! I'll pick gluten because it's in practically everything! That would really make my life easier." Honestly if that was the case I would probably have picked anchovies because I have never been to a baby shower/birthday party/Church activity where they were serving a giant anchovy.  

To help Remy understand a bit of what I was going through I did a comparison for him. It's like an alcoholic (carboholic) who is recovering but has to go to the pub (eat) three times a day and make the choice every time to not drink alcohol (gluten). I do feel better and that helps keep me motivated but I still remember how good everything is and I still crave it. Like a poptart, oh the unspeakable things I would do for a poptart! OR pizza rolls or...*wipes drool*  I also get people saying, "You should just cheat." It takes about 6 months for your (my) body to recover from one cheat.

Tanya holding our yummy gluten-free bread.
After all that complaining I must say I am very blessed to find out now because there are so many more options and alternatives than even a couple of years ago.  I have been so lucky to find things to replace most of the things I loved. My dear friend Tanya even helped teach me how to make my own bread so I can save money.  (A half loaf at the store costs $7.00!) I have also been so grateful to those many people who have gone out of their way to make gluten-free items so I can enjoy in the snack/dinner as well.

I was worried this would come off as too complainy but then I thought, well when the person that thinks that gets celiac then they can do it differently and be a much better person than I. That's my new attitude when I feel like I am being criticized or judged... "When you do ______ than you do it differently and you'll be a much better person than me."  Example I often get side-eyed when I get Remy to carry something and I don't have anything in my hands. He is my husband for heaven's sake he can carry stuff, ANYWAY so in my head I've been saying "When you have a visually impaired husband then you don't make him carry anything and you'll be a far better person than me."


  1. I really like how you explained it to Remy, it is so simple and I understand so much better. I am totally a carboholic and would have my life turned upside down if I had to cut out gluten. I am so proud of you for sticking with it Chelsea, keep going because in the end you are so much healthier then everyone else out there! Also on a semi-inrelated note, Remy's arms/hands work perfectly fine and I'm sure he would be insulted if you didn't ask him to help you. Men need something to do or they go stir crazy. And sometimes it's better to keep certain thoughts inside because it's just not worth it :)

  2. Sometimes it's better to keep it all inside. Other times people just need to be told what's what. The life-long trick is learning when to speak up, and when to keep silent.
    And yes, I would feel insluted. They won't let me fly a plane, for some reason, but I can sure ad cheeze cary a load for my wife.

  3. Your explanation was really well done Chelsea. I have friends who are living with celiac and it is tough. I would love to have your recipe for the bread so I could give it to a you share?

  4. i love you. you'e jsut so darn cute! well done

  5. I am glad you tell it like it is! It would be SO hard to have Celiac Disease and its dumb to not be able to SAY so once in a while. I completely empathize with you and you work SO hard to stay healthy - keep it up! And I think the people that give you side eye about Remy are doing HIM a disservice in assuming he wouldn't WANT to be an equal partner and do what he can. Its probably because their husbands wont ;)
