Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Remy: 2011 - My Personal Retrospective

2011 has come and gone, and it's been a very productive and worth-while chapter in my life. I'm tentatively hoping I've at last found my calling in life, though I know much effort will be required on my part to achieve my full potential. But the future can wait a moment. For now, the past.

This year marked the appearance of my first published work, and it wasn't at all what I expected. In late 2010, I began working on a short documentary titled "Shining Forth: Prosperity". My aim was to make people think a little about what members of our society facing developmental and cognitive disabilities endure in the adult world. What do I mean by the "adult" world? A world where one must have a job and be self-sufficient. The documentary promoted the Farm at Cedar Woods, a non-profit organization aimed at providing such people with a variety of skills to be used in daily living and employment. In all honesty, I think we could all benefit from such a program. The documentary gained decent notoriety throughout Nanaimo, and even outside of Canada. I'm not sure of the end result - whether my efforts helped the farm or not. But the experience I gained was invaluable. Furthermore, it's lead to many subsequent opportunities.
In addition to "Shining Forth Prosperity", I also co-directed, wrote and starred in a public awareness film "Opening Doors", a short piece about art and accessibility for people with disabilities in Nanaimo. This film was a quite decent success, and the team I worked with were a great bunch of people. There is still work to be done even now, and it is my hope our message will reach many people.
This minor job led to a series of transcribing jobs which have provided me valuable experience and resume padding. The most interesting of these involves interviewing and transcribing the memoirs of an elderly journalist who has traveled throughout Europe and the Middle East. He's attended numerous events, from the Geneva Convention to various protests during the war of Vietnam, and well beyond. He's a fascinating man, and it is my pleasure to know, and provide this opportunity to him.
2011 also marked the year I achieved my very first A+ in a university course, and a 100% on a major assignment. I worked for a weak or so straight on an audio rendition of a novel I was writing. The result was a 10 minute audio book with some very nice music and effects. I've discovered I love this sort of thing. I love narrating and doing voices, even if I'm not able to read out loud. I love putting together soundscapes and having people really enjoy them. Everyone said my piece sounded very professional. I could definitely see doing this sort of thing for a living, be it for radio, audio books, or maybe game design. There is a university in London Ontario where I may have the ability to increase my understanding and talent. It bares looking into during this coming year.
Finally, my greatest achievement in 2011 happened in the middle of June. my beloved wife Chelsea and I finally had the unparalleled opportunity to visit the Vancouver LDS temple, where in a very sweet ceremony, we were sealed together as husband and wife for eternity, never to part. It's an inconceivable belief, even among fellow Christians. Essentially, it stems from our church's understanding that the bond between a husband and wife has the potential to stretch past mortality and into eternity. It's a truly beautiful concept, and the experience was unlike anything else. Words could not express my joy upon our sealing, but every so often I look at Chelsea and think "this is forever". And I know it's not an empty thought.
Many things happened this year - both good and bad. But these are the moments which stand out in my mind. Everything I've done, everything I've been through will be essential experience for the coming year. Because this year, 2012, everything changes.

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