Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Run, Chelsea, Run

Lately I have taken up running. When I was younger I hated running. I thought it was the most pointless thing in the universe. When I was in cheerleading we used to have to run a mile a day and it was pure torture. Give me the elliptical or stair stepper or anything else. So what caused this change of heart you may ask? Well, running is free. (kind of) You can just step out your door and run. Although I quickly found that the proper (and expensive) shoes DO make all the difference.

Old Shoes
New, "walking on air" shoes

I have been running (consistently) for a few weeks now and have made very slow progress. I started running about 5 minutes and then walking 5 minutes for about 40 minutes and being out of breathe. I slowly started to run more and walk less and gradually be able to breathe better. Tonight was a big night for me. I ran 10 minutes at a steady pace. I wasn't out of breathe when I stopped or tired I could of kept going but didn't want to do too much. I am so excited. I am seeing my legs muscles change little by little and I feel so encouraged.  Some things have come up in the last few days that have made life (really) hard and I needed this accomplishment so much. I didn't even realize how much I needed it until it happened. I almost leaned over to the girl running next to me and said "Did you see what I just did?!"

I have also been sun tanning lately. For a few weeks now I go out to sun tan for about an hour a day. I don't really like doing it but here is why:

I have ghost legs. I have worn nylons (since cheerleading) ever time I wear a skirt to make my legs look nicer. Nylons are hot. I don't want to have to wear nylons on our sealing day so my legs need to be tan. To be tan you have to lay out in the sun. And there you have it.

The running and sun tanning have always been my sister's things and are both new for me so when I told my mom she jokingly said, "Running and sun tanning, what have you done with my Chelsea?"

I'm still here people don't worry.


  1. I just want to go on record and say I like my wife's white legs.

  2. Thanks sweetie but I want people to be able to know the difference between my dress and my legs :P

  3. I like how he went anonymous and said that..bahahah..hmm I wonder who is could be....
