Remy's muses - Productivity at last!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012 review and future goals

            Where did 2012 go? No seriously, where? Seems like only a few weeks ago I wrote in this journal talking about how, this year, everything was going to change. Even though my frequency of journal entries obviously wasn’t included in such a proclamation, it’s nice to know I didn’t lie about that. This year has seen great personal growth for both Chelsea and I. I’d like to think I’m slowly growing up, but perhaps I’m just getting older.
             For once, I don’t have to outline in detail all that this year contained. Nearly all the pages of this journal are taken up with my new-found employment and its experiences. I’m pleased to say this continues to be a real blessing in our lives. I’m no longer a bank teller, for less than two weeks after I started really doing that job, my bosses decided I’d serve much better as the front-line receptionist. Yep, I’m that person who says hello and goodbye to everyone upon their arrival and departure. Don’t get me wrong, I also answer questions, remind people of upcoming appointments, research people’s accounts and generally do whatever I’m told. Though I often feel like stewardess Barbie – without the odd proportions and vacant expression –  slowly, ever-so-slowly I’ve begun learning some of the ins and outs of our products, services and policies. Not nearly enough in my opinion, but as my bosses keep reminding me “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. Bless them for trying to make me feel better.
            The truth is, while I really love the job still, my capacity up front sort of makes the days drag on. It’s not bad when I’m busy with clients, or other tasks, but when I’m just standing there with this dopy RBC smile saying hello and goodbye? Father Time, get your sandy rump back here and speed the world up a little!
            Let it not be said I’m ungrateful. In spite of my slight displeasure, I am so very grateful for this job. It’s opened up a world of increasing possibilities. I know I’ll continue to improve, grow and learn. My bosses seem very pleased with me so far. I’ve even gotten a raise after only six months!
            Because of this job, Chelsea and I are now the proud owner of a 2006 Hyundai accent which I can’t officially drive. Having our own vehicle has granted us a broader range of freedom. We need not rely on anyone to give us rides, or have our plans fall to pieces because someone else needs the vehicle we were borrowing. I love it. The decapitation and general disembowelment of our savings was a real blow, but we’re ever-so-slowly building that back up. In a recent blessing I was told that we would always be provided for financially. I know we won’t be rich, but I have faith that we’ll always have enough. And so far, so good.
            Our next step? Get a freezer!
            In addition to working full-time at RBC and transcribing audio for Paul, I’ve also been going to school part time. It’s been a wonderful year in that regard, too. I’ve already mentioned my audio dramatization of my novel “A Contract of Souls”, but I also took a mystery writing class. In that class, I developed the heck out of a few chapters of that very same novel. I only have about twenty pages or so written, but I’m really happy with them. If I ever actually finish this story, I think people may just enjoy it!
            My final achievement this year was to write my very first song, entitled “Solitary Requiem”. Okay, so it’s only a minute and a half long and sort of peters off at the end, but come on! I have no training and very little understanding of scales, notes or hand placements. Yet with my skill as an audio editor I’ve managed to throw together something that isn’t bad at all! I know I’ll never really be a musician, but if I can throw together something good, maybe I can inspire people to compose something with real instruments. You never know.

For anyone who hasn't heard it and would like to, it can be found at

            2012 is done, and though there are undoubtedly some people disappointed about this, the world’s still turning. So, what’s in store for 2013? I’m looking forward to the answer. I sense more positive change in my future, but for now, to make myself somewhat accountable, I’m going to focus on my present goals for the year. Yep, here they are, New Year’s resolutions! I always tried to avoid these, because people keep saying how disappointing it is when they betray you. This year, I’m going to try. Feel free to call me on them.

First, I’m going to write something every day. It doesn’t have to be much, and it doesn’t have to be fiction. Whether it’s working on my story or just writing in this journal doesn’t matter. A writer writes, and sporadic wordgasms every couple months hardly qualify me as a writer. It is my hope that by doing this I will find greater motivation to both write fiction, and keep this journal.
            Second, I want to begin studying the scriptures to a grater degree. This is an area where I’ve been lacking in the past seven years. I want to find answers to the spiritual questions I ponder, that I may grow in my own testimony of Christ and confidently speak of our beliefs to others. To do this, I will read something church-related every day. Be it scripture, supplementary study material, church addresses or video I will immerse myself in some aspect of the LDS faith each day.
            I would like to find an enjoyable means of exercising each day, even if it is something simple. For Christmas Chelsea got me 14 lessons with a Brazilian. No, not a bikini wax, but a  Jujitsu instructor. I’m a little apprehensive of my abilities to follow the class, but the instructor is interested in having me, and I’m really looking forward to it. But aside from getting an authentic training dummy and something strong to hit it with, I’m not sure what other excursive I’d really enjoy doing.

            I think this is going to be a great year, and I’m looking forward to seeing what’s in store. Goodbye 2012; you were good to me.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

We wish you a merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!  We wish we could be there to celebrate the holidays with you. We hope you all are doing well.  What a year 2012 has been and we hope it was a good one for you.
Our year has been exciting, with lots of changes! In January Remy was invited to an employment conference in Vancouver. He spoke to three banks, all of which liked him and said they’d be in touch. A few months passed.  We began preparing to move to Ontario with boxes just about ready to go when we got a call from The Royal Bank of Canada. Remy was offered a job! We were so excited! RBC has been a wonderful company to work for and he works with some great people. One of his duties has included being the RBC mascot Lion. He has done a few events and is so good at it. 
A few months ago Remy was asked to represent RBC at the very same conference that got him this job. We got a chance to make the same journey
but for very different reasons. 

Our summer was great! We tried to get out and enjoy some of the beautiful trails we have here
We even had a small patio garden where we grew lettuce, tomatoes, green peppers and carrots. We planted the carrots in two different planters but didn’t even notice the birdseed container our neighbor placed above them.  Little did we know some corn kernels fell into our carrot containers. By the time we could tell the difference, the corn completely took over. 
Every time I was able to go out and pick something for our dinner I thought of my grandma and papa. 

Our summer ended with a bang…we got a car! It’s an adorable 2006 Hyundai Accent and we love it. We were so lucky to have a good mechanic friend help us through the process. It has made our life so much easier and more convenient.  I even learned how to change my own oil and Remy has been a very safe driver. 
This year has been full of fun and exciting things and we are looking forward to seeing what next year brings!